
Advancement is the process by which scouts progress from rank to rank. Everything done to advance - to learn skills, earn ranks and other awards and recognition - is designed to educate or to otherwise expand horizons. This is the case from the time a member joins, and then moves through, the programs of Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting.

About Advancement

Rank advancement requirements may be signed off on any scheduled outing or activity, or on Sunday evenings prior to or following the regular troop meeting.

Boards of Review are normally scheduled for the first Troop Meeting of the month, but you must notify the Advancement Chairman at least one week in advance so he can plan on having enough qualified adults available.

>> Click here to email the Troop 164 Advancement Chairman <<

Information on Ranks

The following website provides a complete list of the latest requirements for all ranks, including any current changes or options:

Eagle Scout Information

The following website should prove helpful for those who are working on their Eagle rank. It provides a list of requirements, helpful hints on paperwork and approvals, project ideas, and preparing for the Eagle board of review.