Triangle PLAYERS
Here are the finest that Triangle Pinball has to offer. These are their stories...
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Bennett DUngan
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Software Engineer
Own any Machines? Nope
Favorite Game: Foo Fighters
Started Flipping: September 2022
Signature Move: Showing newbies where to shoot a shot then proceeding to drain the ball immediately.
PinQuote: “Hi! My name is Bennett”
Favorite Pinball Moment: Bennett was losing badly at a Neighborhood monthly tournament, so he shut off the power for the entire block so that we had to move venues.
Pinball Arch Nemesis: Scott Mott. He must be stopped.
Kiel Jinkens
Location: Raleigh
Own any Machines? Roadshow, Fish Tales, Earthshaker, Dr. Dude, Space Station
Favorite Game: "I know I will get a lot of sh*t for this, but I really miss playing Cactus Canyon."
Started Flipping: About 6 years ago
Signature Move: Kiel doesn't have any signature moves, but he loves a good slap save.
PinQuote: "Did you at least have fun?" (Overheard when someone has a bad game, usually to his wife, Westee)
Favorite Pinball Moment: No specific moments come to mind, but he always loves beating Logan on a Ball 3. The further behind, the better, as Logan will often pump himself up about a good score thinking he's already won the game, and will let you know about it.
Pinball Arch Nemesis: No specific arch nemesis, but embarrassing/silencing Logan is always fun (see Favorite Pinball Moment).
Mike "Fist Bump" Talmarkes
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Water Tamer
Favorite Game: Creature from the Black Lagoon
Started Flipping: 8 years old
Signature Move: The Full Send (see picture)
PinQuote: Wat!
Favorite Pinball Moment: Mike's favorite pinball moment was playing and beating Rachel Ristow at District 82.
Pinball Arch Nemesis: Karl Deangelo
Tim "FUT" McCool
Location: NC Raised, Seattle Trained
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Not...Playing....Pinball...? Job...?
Favorite Game: Barracora
Own Any Machines?: Taxi, Fire!, Flash Gordon, Led Zepplin Pro, Godzilla Prem.
Started Flipping: 2015
Signature Move: Tim's signature move is a squeaky-clean drop catch.
PinQuote: Count It!
Favorite Pinball Moment: Tim's favorite pinball moment was winning his Led Zeppelin Pro machine at a tournament on a Player 4, Ball 3 comeback. Talk about pressure!
Kateryn "Flannel" lake
Location: Cary
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Twitch Sensation
Favorite Game: Creature from the Black Lagoon
Own Any Machines?: Legends of Valhalla
Started Flipping: Kat started playing competitively in July 2022.
Signature Move: Kat's signature move is to make it all the way through a game, start a wizard mode, hit one shot...then promptly drain.
PinQuote: After any quick house ball, Kat will shout "I love pinball."
Favorite Pinball Moment: Kat's favorite pinball moment came on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in a tournament. She had a 30 MILLION point comeback. Anyone that knows the scoring in this game knows that this was monster come from behind.
Arch-Nemesis: Machine: Stern's Jurassic Park. Person: Ellen, because she taught her everything she knows.
Kennan "FUll Hand" Staelin
Location: Cary
Favorite Game: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Started Flipping: Kennan dabbled in pinball in 2019 with her sister Frances, and then really got the competitive bug in February 2022.
Signature Move: Kennan's signature move is to use full hand-to-button contact when flipping. Some people use a measly one or two fingers to flip. Kennan is a full-hand player.
Favorite Pinball Moment: The game was Godzilla. Kennan was in dead-last going into Ball 3, Player 4. She was one strike away from elimination. It was in that moment she entered what we call the P-Zone®. She flipped and flipped and flipped and eventually passed everyone and got first place, at which point she turned around and graciously accepted victory by flipping everyone off and yelling F&#$ YOU!! to all of her competitors and doubters.
Arch-Nemesis: No real arch-nemesis (but loves beating Logan from time-to-time). She does however have a machine nemesis, and it is Guardians of the Galaxy.
Richard "Slap the Gap" Brantley
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Computers?
Own any Machines?: Road Show
PinQuote: That's pinball, baby!
Signature Move: Richard gets the nickname "Slap the Gap" from his keen ability to deliver a quick 1-2 slap of a pinball machine to dig a ball out of a center drain.
logan "kobe" Haislip
Location: Downtown Raleigh
Favorite Pinball Machine: Wizard of Oz
Own any Machines?: A Buck Rogers that hasn't powered on in 14 years.
Signature Move: When Logan reaches a crucial point in a pinball game, he stiffens up like a board and makes his body as tall as possible.
Frances ava "SKILL SHOT" Staelin
Location: Downtown Raleigh
Own any Machines?: Nope
Signature Move: Frances is the master of the skill shot. No matter the machine or the place, watch for Frances to pull off the most difficult version of the skill shot right out of the gate.
bryan caudill
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Engineer
Own any Machines?: Black Knight, Stern Jurassic Park
Signature Move: Bryan's signature move falls somewhere between the smooth slap of a Richard Brantley, and the tense stiffness of a Logan Haislip. When he's in trouble, Bryan will stiffly (borderline spastically) slap a ball out. Upon a drain, Bryan will leave the pinball area as promptly as possible.
Kevin Bowman
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Eye Doctor
Own any Machines?: The Munsters, The Addams Family, Jurassic Park, Foo Fighters (One of a Kind)
Signature Move: Kevin is a pretty measured player, but he is not afraid to take whatever means necessary to bring a ball back from the dead. You'll see a heavy shake and some hard flipper action when the ball is on the verge of a drain.
ovid dillard
Location: Cary
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Engineer
Favorite Game: Twilight Zone
Own any Machines?: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Walking Dead, Total Nuclear Annihilation, Avengers Infinity Quest
Signature Move: Ovid's signature move, and he has saved countless balls doing this, is to bear-slap a machine at the last moment to tip a ball off the edge of the flipper.
Shell "fast & Loose" Dillard
Location: Cary
Favorite Games: Medieval Madness, Monster Bash, Theatre of Magic
Own any Machines?: See "Ovid Dillard."
Signature Move: Shell's signature move is to start a lucrative multiball and then drain every ball simultaneously as the ball save light goes out.
joan mcCool
Location: Cary
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Retired (Full Time Pinball)
Own any Machines?: Dialed In!, The Hobbit, DE Star Wars
Signature Move: Joan is one of the nicest people in pinball. Her signature move is to tell you exactly what to aim for on a game if you're not familiar with it, and pick you up when you're bummed out about your performance.
andy lyle hall
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Musician
Signature Move: Andy is still honing his skills and doesn't yet have a signature move, but the force is strong in him, and he will one day find something to call his own.
jErrod Lankford
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Software Developer
Own any Machines?: Nope.
PinQuote: "If you're not tilting, you're not trying."
Signature Move: Jerrod likes the fastest games in the arcade. For this reason, he has developed a cheetah-like reflex to potential ball drains. He also wins the award for "Most Likely to Tilt a Game."
Location: Raleigh
Favorite Game: We can't say for sure, but Game of Thrones is probably high on the list for John. Blink an eye, and he will have dropped 500 mil on you.
Signature Move: John hasn't been playing competitively for long, but his rule knowledge for games is becoming his signature.
Chris Day
Location: Raleigh
Signature Move: Chris is definitely one of the faster players in Raleigh. Upon a drain, Chris will give a signature double fist tap on the lockdown bar.
Paul "7:01" Sanders
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Rock Star
Signature Move: Paul's signature move is to roll up right at 7:01 as the tournament is starting and then have a top 3 finish.
"Dancing" David Klionsky
Location: Durham
Own Any Machines? World Cup Soccer, Xenon
Signature Move: David may be the most animated player in North Carolina...some may even say the world. When David is on a machine, hide your kids, and hide your wife. There's a chance that they could get a roundhouse kick to the face.
Paul Scrutton
Location: Durham. Has a funny accent, Possibly British.
Fun Facts: In addition to pinball, Paul loves all things fun: Foosball, pool, kayaking, mountain biking...the list goes on.
morgan Grimes
Location: Raleigh
Signature Move: Morgan is a late night pinball player, for sure. He will submit a selfie score at Boxcar at 11:59PM on the last day of the month.
Scott "anybody wanna play beatles?" Mott
Location: Raleigh
Favorite Games: Beatles: Gold Edition, Beatles: Platinum Edition, Beatles: Diamond Edition
Own any Games?: F-14 Tomcat
Signature Move: Scott's signature move is being one shot away from really blowing it up.
Jason Keith
Location: Durham
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Science Law?
Signature Move: Jason's signature move is to claim to know nothing about machine rules, proceed to blow the game up, then walk away and shrug.
derrick Casto
Location: Raleigh
Favorite Games: Walking Dead Pro, Iron Maiden Premium, any EM
Own Any Machines?: Bally Bow & Arrow (won when he was 7!)
Signature Move: Derrick's signature move is to jump around before and during a game. Derrick's level of animation directly correlates to how good of a ball he is having.
Favorite Pinball Moment: Derrick once had a 30 minute Ball 1 on Iron Maiden.
ron batcho
Location: Raleigh
Signature Move: Ron has a very unique playing style. His ratio of flipper button presses to actual ball contact is about 15:1. No matter where the ball is on the playfield, Ron is seemingly always flipping.
Joe X ROss
Location: Garner
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Screen Printing
Signature Move: Joe's move is the signature dance he does while playing a machine. Joe is big on hip action and general thrusting when playing a pin.
logan king
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Screen Printing
Own Any Machines?: Logan and his wife, Jessica, own several machines on location in Raleigh: Medieval Madness, Monster Bash, and Metallica. They also have a rare Domino's machine as well as a Grand Prix.
jessica king
Location: Raleigh
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Screen Printing
Own Any Machines?: See Logan King.
Signature Move: Jessica has the incredible ability to hang a human off of her body and play pinball simultaneously.
JOhn Sjogren
Location: Durham
Own any Machines?: Johnny Mnemonic
Signature Move: John gets a pretty strong lean going into a machine when he gets a good ball going. He went to the same pinball school as Ron Batcho for his technique of rapid flipper action.
Eric "zootie" sutton
Location: Shallotte
Favorite Pinball Machine: Road Show (at the moment)
Own Any Machines?: Zootie owns and operates 10 machines at locations in the Cape Fear region through his company, Flippin Balls Amusements. He is also the commissioner of the Cape Fear Flipper Club (CFFC).
Signature Move: Double Middle Finger Wiggle Waggle. Eric also literally has a pinball signature on his body: a pinup pinball tattoo.
Favorite Pinball Moment: Beating a higher seeded player in a best of 3 to take 1st place in a local tournament.
samantha bacon
Location: Reidsville
Own Any Machines?: Iron Maiden
Signature Move: A classic Sammie Bacon move is to get 4 strikes really early in a 5-Strike tournament, and then come back and win the entire thing.
dwain Marchant
Location: Winston-Salem
Signature Move: Dwain is one of the most travelled pinball players in North Carolina. His signature move is to show up at every single tournament in the state.
orin "Lobster" Day
Location: Durham
Job When Not Playing Pinball: Pinball! Orin was a software designer for Data East/Sega.
Signature Move: Orin's signature move is when something goes wrong with a game, he's on his phone texting the game designer demanding answers!
Are you a Triangle All Star? Did we forget you? Send some information to Ovid Dillard at and we'll add you to the growing list!