Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Triangle Bladder Cancer Support Group affiliated with any other organization?

A: While TriangleBCS is not affiliated with any other organization, we do have a very good working relationship with several organizations including UNC Hospitals and the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN).

Q: Where do your members come from?

A: Each member of TriangleBCS initiated contact with us. Searching for a bladder cancer support groups, bladder cancer survivors are referred to us from hospitals and physicians, organizations such as BCAN or searching us out over the internet.

Q: Who is in your membership?

A: Our members include survivors, caregivers and others who may be affected by bladder cancer.

Q: How do I become a member?

A: Attend a meeting and put your name on the list, we would love to see you! If you are physically unable to attend but would still like to get the notices, please send an email to

Q: How are you financed?

A: We are self-supporting by donations from members, with supplemental administrative support provided by the UNC Lineberger Cancer Center.

Q: How do you promote your group?

A: The group is promoted in a number of ways:

1. TriangleBCS has a brochure and business cards that are available to hospitals, physicians and organizations.

2. The group sets up an information table with members present at health fairs and conferences.

2. The group has a

3. The group has a simple presence on Facebook at

4. The group has notices in a variety of local newspapers.

Q: What about privacy issues:

A: TriangleBCS has two locations where personal information is kept.

1. The group's 'registrar' and 'coordinator' each have a member list. This list includes the members name, address, phone, email and if the member gives permission, a flag indicating their permission to make their information available to others and the type of procedures that might be involved (such as 'still has bladder/BCG treatments' or type of diversion). If the permission is given, then that member's contact information is made available to those that would like to speak with a member.

2. The second location is the on-line email group. TriangleBCS uses googlegroups as a listserv. Only names and email addresses are listed there.

Q: Who are the Personal Contacts on the web site:

A: The Personal Contacts are bladder cancer survivors who are available to talk by phone to anyone who wishes to talk about bladder cancer (similar to a 'hotline'). Personal Contacts have been active members in the group for some period of time.

Q: What are meeting 'Hosts':

A: The meeting Hosts are group members who greet new attendees and often provide a snack.

Q: What email address should I be using?

A: If you use, it will be broadcasted to every member. If you use, it will not be broadcasted to every member

Q: What is the difference between the Triangle Bladder Cancer Support Group and the Triangle BCAN Chapter?

A: For a family with a newly diagnosed love one with bladder cancer it is really confusing to identify resources that provide your family with information and more critically support. The diagnosis of any form of cancer knocks the wind out of your sails. It is imperative you know your resources. With this focus in mind here is a clarification of the purposes of the two groups that have evolved in the Triangle Region of North Carolina.


The Triangle Bladder Cancer Support Group was formed in July 2010. David Langham, the coordinator of this group so poignantly explains it in this statement: "People want to talk to survivors who may be able to help them. Questions such as 'Where are you in your journey? Do you still have your bladder? How did it feel to go through the treatments?’ Speaking with someone who has faced the same issues and understands is enormously helpful.”

The purpose of this group is to provide support, education, and outreach for those touched with bladder cancer: survivors, caregivers, friends, and all that are affected. David coordinates the group by managing the website and listserv, sending out announcements and responding to phone calls from patients and families. The group meets in person on the second Tuesday of each month, but group members make themselves available to talk with new patients and caregivers on the phone or in person anytime someone needs to talk. The monthly meetings vary in format. Sometimes they have a speaker, sometimes just the group members talk among themselves, and sometimes the group splits into survivors and caregivers discussions.


The NC Triangle BCAN was formed in March 2013 as the 2nd outreach chapter of the Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network. The purpose of this regional chapter is to support BCAN’s mission to increase PUBLIC awareness of bladder cancer, advance bladder cancer research and provide educational and support services to the bladder cancer community in the geographic region. Some ways this group may support the mission of bladder cancer awareness and education is by participating in health fairs, fund raisers such as annual bladder cancer walks, and providing bladder cancer information to physician's offices, etc.. We are all about increasing the public's awareness of this often times overlooked cancer.