Pre-TREC Task

Submissions for the pre-TREC task are now being accepted. In previous years of the track participants were allowed to submit any URL as a point-of-interest recommendation. This year the collection of URLs that allowed to be submitted will be fixed. The pre-TREC task serves to build the point-of-interest collection which will be distributed to track participants.

Anybody may take part in the pre-TREC task. We encourage you to participate in the pre-TREC task if you are planning to participate in the track this year and want certain URLs in the collection. We also encourage you to participate if you have taken part in the track in previous years and want to contribute your expertise in gathering candidate suggestions.

In order to ensure we have URLs being collected from a variety of sources, if you are participating in the pre-TREC task, sign up here:

In order to contribute to the collection you must provide us with a list of URLs and titles for points-of-interest in each of the cities listed in contexts2015.csv (can be downloaded from TREC 2015. You may also, optionally, provide us with a short description for each point-of-interest. The format for your submission is a CSV file with the following columns:

Before submitting your list of points-of-interest ensure that your submission is valid using the validation script ( below.

If you are gathering suggestions using an API you should also submit the raw responses from the API in whatever format is most convenient.

Your submission should consist of a single tarball name groupid.tar.gz, where groupid is the same groupid you used in your submission file.

You should submit your contribution to our FTP server, for the address and authentication details email Julia Kiseleva (

The deadline for pre-TREC task submissions is March 9th, 2015 March 30th, 2015.