TRB Joint Subcommittee on Public Private Partnerships

To join the joint subcommittee's email list, please follow this link:

To see files, including presentations from TRB meetings, please follow this link:

P3-Related Files

To see a list of links related to P3s, please follow this link:

Links-P3 Subcommittee

If you have any questions, please contact the group owner, Jennifer Mayer, at jenmayersf at

The TRB joint subcommittee on P3s provides greater coordination of research and outreach on this important subject, in the following ways:

Coordination among interested stakeholders – Creation of a subcommittee will facilitate exchange of information across all professional segments of the academic, nonprofit, and commercial participants in the P3 industry, facilitating coordination on education, outreach, and capacity building, as well as knowledge exchange. It will provide a single point of contact for TRB participants and other organizations interested in P3 research, knowledge, and outreach, as well as a trusted source of research on P3s.

Coordination of research among committees – A subcommittee will allow papers to be reviewed by a multi-disciplinary group that would incorporate the many skill sets required to analyze P3 research (e.g., economic, financial, legal, management). For example, P3s often involve financial elements, where expertise rests in the Revenue and Finance Committee; economic issues, where expertise rests in the Transportation Economics Committee; legal issues: where expertise rests within the Transportation Law Committee; contracting and project delivery issues, where expertise rests within the Project Delivery Methods Committee. Creation of a subcommittee allows the primary Committees to recruit interested reviewers with the appropriate skill sets to enhance the quality of reviews by the subcommittee on behalf of the Committees.

Coordination of sessions, webinars, and other educational activities A subcommittee can help facilitate and coordinate participation by stakeholders and among the Committees named above. This may include sponsoring or coordinating training/workshops for the public and private sectors, or working with organizations such as the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) to develop examples of best practices.

Role and Membership

As a subcommittee, there are no limits on membership, but the subcommittee does not receive a session allocation, nor can it review papers, or perform any of the other official functions of a TRB committee, except at the request of the sponsoring Committees. The primary role is to foster coordination and exchange among multiple existing Committees.


The Revenue and Finance, Economics, and Congestion Pricing Committees are serving as the initial sponsor of this subcommittee; but other Committees are always invited to contribute expertise and co-sponsorship.


The subcommittee invites participation from all modes, including aviation, surface transportation, including highways, transit, rail, intermodal facilities, and ports. Modal activities will be determined by committee membership.


While many types of transactions are considered P3s, including design-build arrangements, the subcommittee will initially focus on transactions that involve long-term partnership agreements that include financing (typically termed as concessions, or Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO) or Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM) transactions).