TRB Webinar:

Using PMS Data

TRB conducted a webinar on Monday, May 16, 2016, that provided pavement management system (PMS) users with examples of how agencies are using their PMS data. The goal of this webinar was to encourage agencies to use their systems to address current and upcoming needs. These needs include measuring performance of a particular pavement type or system, using PMS data for performance management, and developing new and useful measures. Each of the applications included a discussion of issues encountered by the presenter and how those issues were resolved.

This webinar was organized by the TRB Standing Committee AFD10 on Pavement Management Systems.

The slides from the presentation are attached to this webpage.

Webinar Presenters:

  • Judith Corley-Lay, North Carolina Department of Transportation
  • Sui Tan, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
  • David Luhr, Washington State Department of Transportation

Moderated by: Linda Pierce, NCE

Webinar Outline

  1. Using PMS data to define the performance of open graded friction course surfaces in North Carolina
  2. Using PMS data for Performance Management in a metropolitan transportation agency
  3. Developing new measures for PMS data
  4. Question and answer session