April 16, 2024

The meeting started at 7:01 PM

There were 32 people in attendance and three on Zoom.

Heather read the March minutes, which were accepted by all.

Caitlin read the Treasurer's report. It's been a slow month for membership. In the checking account is $12,228.09. We collected $52 in petty cash tonight. Dues from last meeting have not been deposited. There is $5,231 in the CD. Caitlin clarified that the dues run on a January to December basis and that they can be paid online through the society's website and also listed the prices at various levels. 

Nick Morgan mentioned that Pat's memorial is on May 18 at Hole in the Wall. 

Nick mentioned that in the future he is considering videotaping the meetings and moving away from Zoom. 

Ken mentioned that he went through the society’s trailer and that we need new license plates. Other than that, we are ready for new digs. He has also agreed to become vice-president. 

Nick mentioned that we're looking for a member at large and clarified that all it entails is being a voting member of the Board. 

The April speaker was Karen Collins, historian, with Michael Collins, archeologist. Karen presented on the excavations at the Moore-Hancock Farmstead (41TV1405) for Archeology Awareness Month 2024.

Karen Collins mentioned holding an Open House during Texas Archaeology Month month and also to do some limited excavations at the farmstead with TvCAS. Robin Matthews moved to support the dig in October. There were many people who volunteered. The society approved the motion. Karen offered to feed everyone. Nick mentioned we’ll need to have a meeting to plan, especially for equipment. 

Next month's speaker is Heather Leonard speaking about her master's dissertation.

Meeting concluded at 7:54 PM.