Directory of frequently used acronyms

A - C

  • AAHRPP - Association for Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
  • BD2K - Big Data to Knowledge
  • BERD - Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design
  • BiNd - Bioinformatics Network of Delaware
  • BMIC - Biomedical Informatics Center
  • BRIC - Nemours Biomedical Research Informatics Core
  • BRIC - Nemours Biomedical Informatics Research Core
  • C3PO - Clinical Personalized Pragmatic Predictions of Outcomes
  • CAC - Community Advisory Council
  • CAN - Community Needs Assessments
  • CBBI - Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging
  • CBCB - Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
  • CBER - Center for Biomedical Engingeering Research
  • CBPR - Community-Based Participatory Research
  • CC - NIH Clinical Center
  • CCHS - Christiana Care Hospital System
  • CCOP - Community Clincal Oncology Program
  • CDM - Common data models
  • CDMC - Clinical and Data Management Core
  • CDRN - Clinical Data Research Network
  • CEnR - Community engaged research
  • CEO - Community Engagement & Outreach
  • CER - Comparative Effectiveness Research
  • CIT - NIH Center for Information Technology
  • cGMP - Current Good Manufacturing Practice
  • CLIC - Center for Leading Innovation and Collaboration
  • CME - Continuing medical education
  • CMMI - Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
  • COBRE - Center of Biomedical Research Excellence
  • CPASS - Center for Pediatric Auditory and Speech Sciences
  • CRC - Clinical Research Coordinator
  • CSR - NIH Center for Scientific Review
  • CTCR - Center for Translational Cancer Research
  • CTR - Clinical and Translational Research
  • CTSA - NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards

D - H

  • DBI - Delaware Biotechnology Intsitute
  • DCU - Data Coordination Unit
  • DE-CTR - Delaware ACCEL Center for Translational Research
  • DERDC - Delaware Education Researcha and Development Center
  • DHIN - Delaware Health Information Network
  • DHSA - Delaware Health Science Alliance
  • DIMER - Delaware Institute of Medical Information and Research
  • DPHS - Department of Public Health Sciences
  • DRI - Delaware Rehabilitation Institute
  • DSMB - Data and Safety Monitoring Board
  • DSU - Delaware State University
  • EAC - External Advisory Committee
  • EHR - Electronic Health Record
  • EPSCoR - Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
  • EQI - Evaluation and Quality Improvement
  • FIC - NIH Fogarty International Center
  • GCP - Good Clinical Practice
  • GDP - Grant Professional Development
  • HCDS - Center for Health Care Delivery Science
  • HFGCCRI - Helen. F. Graham Cancer Center and Research Institute

I - M

  • IAC - Internal Advisory Committee
  • IACUC - Insitutional Animal Care and Use Committee
  • IDeA - NIH Institutional Development Award
  • IDeA-CTR - IDeA Program Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research
  • IDP - Individual Mentoring Plan
  • INBRE - Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research
  • IRB - Institutional Review Board
  • JIN - Junior Investigator Network
  • JIN-CARE - JIN Career Advancement and Research Engagement
  • KCA - Key Component Area
  • LARC - long-acting reversible contraception
  • MCA - Mentoring Competency Assessment
  • MRDA - Mentored Research Development Award
  • MUSC - Medical University of South Carolina


  • N/AIDHC - Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children
  • NAS - Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
  • NCATS - NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Science
  • NCI - NIH National Cancer Institute
  • NCCIH - NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
  • NEI - NIH National Eye Institute
  • NGS - Next generation sequencing
  • NHLBI - NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
  • NHGRI - NIH National Human Genome Research Institute
  • NIA - NIH National Institute for Aging
  • NIAAA - NIH National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  • NIAID - NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • NIAMS - NIH National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
  • NIBIB - NIH National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
  • NICHD - NIH Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
  • NIDA - NIH National Institute of Drug Abuse
  • NIDCR - NIH National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
  • NIDDK - NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease
  • NIEHS - NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • NIGMS - NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences
  • NIH - NIH National Institutes of Health
  • NIMH - NIH National Institute of Mental Health
  • NIMHD - NIH National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
  • NINDS - NIH National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke
  • NINR - National Institute of Nursing Research
  • NLM - NIH National Library of Medicine
  • NOHSP - Nemours Office of Human Subjects Protection

o - V

  • OCIO - Office of Chief Information Officer
  • OHEI - Nemours Office of Health Equity and Inclusion
  • OLAM - Office of Laboratory Animal Medicine
  • OMOP - Observational Medical Outcomes Project
  • ORBiTS - Overcoming Barriers to Translational Success
  • OSP - Nemours Office of Sponsored Projects
  • PC - Program Coordinator
  • PCORI - Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute
  • PD - Professional Development
  • PROMIS - Patient Reported Outcome Measurement Information System
  • RCR - Responsible Conduct of Research
  • RDW - Research Data Warehouse
  • RPPR - Research Performance Progress Report
  • RTOG - Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
  • SC - Steering Committee
  • SCTR - South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute
  • ShoRE -Shovel Ready Program
  • T&E/TEVAL - Tracking and Evaluation
  • TJU - Thomas Jefferson University
  • TOF - Time-of-flight
  • UDPT - University of Delaware Physical Therapy
  • VAMC - Ralph. H Johnson Veteran's Administration Medical Center
  • VEST - Virtual Education and Simulation Training
  • VI - Value Institute