Cable tidy service

We offer a cable tidy service, Your wires are 100% slowing your system down. In some cases the wires can heat up. The other factor is its a complete mess.

80% off jobs turn out to be loose wires or plugs falling off, again all due to messy wires.

We are cable tidy experts, we love labelling your cables make complete sense, but nobody seems to do it.

This system was going faulty every second week, after our cable tidy solution the systems now running fault free.

Messy wires are the cause off human error.

Part of our wire tidy service is to mark and label all wires.

This is a normal situation we see this all the time. Someone unplugs something and everyone looses, either wifi / telephone /or tv signals. All because nothing is labeled and the wires are a complete mess.

Call 0131 660 9422 TO BOOK YOUR wire tidy appointment