Tracy Holloway King

Contact Information

email: tracyhollowayking "at" gmail "dot" com

linkedin: tracyhollowayking

skype: tracyhollowayking

Applied Research Interests

My interests lie in the application of computational linguistics and multi-modal understanding to real world problems, especially search. I am particularly interested in how to combine textual and structured data to provide a more accurate linguistic analysis and how to combine language-specific knowledge with general algorithms to provide solutions across languages and language types.

I trained in linguistics at Stanford and worked as a researcher and research manager in PARC's Natural Language Theory and Technology group. I then moved into applied research in Microsoft's Bing search team. I was a product manager and an engineering manager in the Search Science applied research team at eBay, focusing on eCommerce search across the eBay sites. At A9 and Amazon, I focused on natural language processing for product search query understanding and then on utilization for sponsored products. Currently I am a principal scientist at Adobe working on search and natural language processing.

Current Activities
