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22. Marie Lu, Jean-Loup Ville, Joachim Cohen, Alexandru Petrescu, Sydney Schreppler, Larry Chen, Christian Jünger, Chiara Pelletti, Alexei Marchenkov, Archan Banerjee, William P. Livingston, John Mark Kreikebaum, David I. Santiago, Alexandre Blais, and Irfan Siddiqi, Multipartite Entanglement in Rabi-Driven Superconducting Qubits [Phys. Rev. X Quantum 3, 040322 (2022) ] [arXiv]

21. M. Villiers, W.C. Smith, A. Petrescu, A. Borgognoni, M. Delbecq, A. Sarlette, M. Mirrahimi, P. Campagne-Ibarcq, T. Kontos, and Z. Leghtas, Dynamically enhancing qubit-photon interactions with anti-squeezing [arXiv]

20. Joachim Cohen, Alexandru Petrescu, Ross Shillito, and Alexandre Blais, Reminiscence of classical chaos in driven transmons [arXiv]

19. Ross Shillito, Alexandru Petrescu, Joachim Cohen, Jackson Beall, Markus Hauru, Martin Ganahl, Adam G. M. Lewis, Guifre Vidal, Alexandre Blais, Dynamics of Transmon Ionization [Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 034031 (2022)][arXiv]

18. Daria Gusenkova, Francesco Valenti, Martin Spiecker, Simon Günzler, Patrick Paluch, Dennis Rieger, Larisa-Milena Pioraş-Ţimbolmaş, Liviu P. Zârbo, Nicola Casali, Ivan Colantoni, Angelo Cruciani, Stefano Pirro, Laura Cardani, Alexandru Petrescu, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Patrick Winkel, Ioan M. Pop, Operating in a deep underground facility improves the locking of gradiometric fluxonium qubits at the sweet spots [Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 054001 (2022)] [arXiv]

17.  Anthony Gandon, Camille Le Calonnec, Ross Shillito, Alexandru Petrescu, Alexandre Blais, Engineering, control and longitudinal readout of Floquet qubits [Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 064006 (2022)] [arXiv]

16.  Alexandru Petrescu, Camille Le Calonnec, Catherine Leroux, Agustin Di Paolo, Pranav Mundada, Sara Sussman, Andrei Vrajitoarea, Andrew A. Houck, Alexandre Blais, Accurate methods for the analysis of strong-drive effects in parametric gates [Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 044003 (2023)] [arXiv]  

15. Fan Yang, Vivien Perrin, Alexandru Petrescu, Ion Garate, Karyn Le Hur, From Topological Superconductivity to Quantum Hall States in Coupled Wires, [Phys. Rev. B 101, 085116 (2020)]  [arXiv]

14. Alexandru Petrescu, Moein Malekakhlagh, Hakan E. Tureci, Lifetime renormalization of driven weakly anharmonic superconducting qubits: II. The readout problem,  [Phys. Rev. B 101, 134510 (2020)] [arXiv]

13. Moein Malekakhlagh, Alexandru Petrescu, Hakan E. Tureci, Lifetime renormalization of weakly anharmonic superconducting qubits: I. Role of number non-conserving terms, [Phys. Rev. B 101, 134509 (2020)] [arXiv]

12. Alexandru Petrescu, Hakan E. Tureci, Alexey Ustinov, I. M. Pop, Fluxon-Based Quantum Simulation in circuit QED [Phys. Rev. B 98, 174505 (2018)] [arXiv]

11. Kirill Plekhanov, Ivana Vasic, Alexandru Petrescu, Rajbir Nirwan, Guillaume Roux, Walter Hofstetter, and Karyn Le Hur, Emergent Chiral Spin State in the Mott Phase of a Bosonic Kane-Mele-Hubbard Model  [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 157201 (2018)] [arXiv]

10. Karyn Le Hur, Loc Henriet, Loïc Herviou, Kirill Plekhanov, Alexandru Petrescu, Tal Goren, Marco Schiro, Christophe Mora, and Peter P. Orth, Driven dissipative dynamics and topology of quantum impurity systems [Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences 19, 451 (2018)] [arXiv]

9. Moein Malekakhlagh, Alexandru Petrescu, Hakan E. Tureci, Cutoff-free Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 073601 (2017)] [arXiv]

8. Alexandru Petrescu, Marie Piraud, Guillaume Roux, I. P. McCulloch, and Karyn Le Hur, Precursor of Laughlin state of hard core bosons on a two{leg ladder  [Phys. Rev. B 96, 014524 (2017)] [arXiv]

7. Moein Malekakhlagh, Alexandru Petrescu, Hakan E. Tureci, Non-Markovian dynamics of a superconducting qubit in an open multimode resonator [Phys. Rev. A 94, 063848 (2016)] [arXiv]

6. Karyn Le Hur, Loc Henriet, Alexandru Petrescu, Kirill Plekhanov, Guillaume Roux, and Marco Schiro, Many-Body Quantum Electrodynamics Networks: Non-Equilibrium Condensed Matter Physics with Light [Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences 17, 808 (2016)] [arXiv]

5. Alexandru Petrescu and Karyn Le Hur, Chiral Mott Insulators, Meissner Effect, and Laughlin States in Quantum Ladders [Phys. Rev. B 91, 054520 (2015)] [arXiv]

4. Ivana Vasic, Alexandru Petrescu, Karyn Le Hur, and Walter Hofstetter, Chiral Bosonic Phases on the Haldane Honeycomb Lattice [Phys. Rev. B 91, 094502 (2015)] [arXiv]

3. Alexandru Petrescu, H. Francis Song, Stephan Rachel, Zoran Ristivojevic, Christian Flindt, Nicolas Laorencie, Israel Klich, Nicolas Regnault and Karyn Le Hur, Fluctuations and Entanglement spectrum in quantum Hall states, for JSTAT special issue on "Entanglement spectra and entanglement entropies", Eds. S. Rachel, M. Haque, A. Bernevig, A. Läuchli, and E. Fradkin. [J. Stat. Mech. P10005 (2014)] [arXiv]

2. Alexandru Petrescu and Karyn Le Hur, Bosonic Mott Insulator with Meissner Currents [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 150601 (2013)] [arXiv]

1. Alexandru Petrescu, Andrew A. Houck and Karyn Le Hur, Anomalous Hall Effects of Light and Chiral Edge Modes on the Kagome lattice [Phys. Rev. A 86, 053804 (2012)] [arXiv]