
My research is mostly on economic dynamics and intertemporal choice, spanning microeconomic theory, game theory and industrial organisation. I am also interested economic epidemiology and infection control. Last, I have also worked on computational linguistics.

Here are some papers of mine:

Completed papers

The Great COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: Behavioral and Policy Responses (pdf), w. C. Auld, CEPR Working Paper 

Contacts, Altruism and Competing Externalities (pdf), CEPR Working Paper

Great Expectation: Great Expectations: Social Distancing in Anticipation of Pharmaceutical Innovations (pdf), w. M. Makris, Cambridge-INET Working Paper Series No: 2046

On the Management of Population Immunity (pdf), w. R. Rowthorn, Bennett Institute Working Paper

Equilibrium Social Distancing (pdf), 2020

The Optimal Control of Infectious Diseases via Prevention and Treatment (pdf), 2020, with R. Rowthorn; an earlier version from 2012 circulated as a working paper here CEPR WP 8925

Rather Doomed than Uncertain: Risk Attitudes and Sexual Behavior under Asymptomatic Infection (pdf), 2016, with K. Matthies, submitted

On the Dynamics of Beliefs and Risky Sexual Behavior (pdf), 2017

Recursive Global Games (pdf), with C. Giannitsarou, updated 2012

Record Breaking and Temporal Clustering (pdf), updated 2012

Mergers, Diversification and Financial Intermediation (pdf), 2012

Minimum Quality Standards in Vertically Differentiated Duopolies (pdf), 1998 (master’s dissertation, London School of Economics)

A Minimum Quality Standard in a Duopoly with Endogenous Choice of Competition (pdf), with S. Byskov, 1997 (undergraduate term paper, University of Copenhagen)


Waning Immunity and the Second Wave: Some Projections for SARS-CoV-2 (pdf), with C. Giannitsarou and S. Kissler, 2021, American Economic Review: Insights, 3(3), 321-338. 

Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper DP14852, 2020

Synthetic Examples Improve Cross-Target Generalization: A Study on Stance Detection on a Twitter Corpus (pdf), with C. Conforti, J. Berndt, M. T. Pilehvar, C. Giannitsarou and N. Collier, Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis, 2021

Adversarial Training for News Stance Detection: Leveraging Signals from a Multi-Genre Corpus (pdf), with C. Conforti, J. Berndt, M. T. Pilehvar, C. Giannitsarou and N. Collier, Proceedings of the EACL Hackashop on News Media Content Analysis and Automated Report Generation, 2021

STANDER: An Expert-Annotated Dataset for News Stance Detection and Evidence Retrieval (pdf), with C. Conforti, J. Berndt, M. T. Pilehvar, C. Giannitsarou and N. Collier, Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020 

Will-They-Won’t-They: A Very Large Dataset for Stance Detection on Twitter (pdf), with C. Conforti, J. Berndt, M. T. Pilehvar, C. Giannitsarou and N. Collier, 2020. Forthcoming in the Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2020

Rational Disinhibition and Externalities in Prevention (pdf), 2019; International Economic Review, 60(4), 1737-1755. Online Appendix

Dynamic Limit Pricing (pdf), 2017; RAND Journal of Economics, 48(1), 281-306. Additional appendix is available (pdf)

The Economics of Vaccination (pdf), with F. Chen, 2014, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 363, 105-117

On Seller Estimates and Buyer Returns (pdf), with A. Gershkov, 2013; Economic Theory Bulletin, 1(1), 47-55

Strategic Merger Waves: A Theory of Musical Chairs (pdf), 2008; Journal of Economic Theory, 140(1), 1-26 (leading article)

A Theory of Optimal Deadlines (pdf), 2007; Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 31(2), 493-513

Time of the Essence (pdf), 2006; Journal of Economic Theory, 129(1), 252-272

Other ongoing research

On the Endogenous Propagation of Rumours

Regulatory Competition 

Limit Pricing with Recurrent Shocks