Election Information and Forms

2024 Wisconsin Election Dates

04/02/2024-Spring and Presidential Election

08/13/2024- Partisan Election

11/05/2024 - General Election

The Town of New Diggings holds elections whenever required by the Wisconsin State Elections Board. 

Voting hours at the Town Hall in Lead Mine are from 7:00 AM thru 8:00 PM on the election day.


New Diggings Town Hall 

26897 Aetna Rd.

Benton, WI 53803

Voter Registration

Voters must be registered in order to vote.  You may register online at http://myvote.wi.gov

*****Proof of Residence*****  must accompany the voter registration application unless you are a military or permanent overseas voter.  

The Town Clerk has the latest Poll List in hand and can check your registration status. 

Absentee Voting

An absentee ballot application must be completed to receive a ballot. You can request an absentee ballot up to five days before election day.

The quickest and easiest way to vote by absentee ballot is to schedule an appointment with the Town Clerk before 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the election. 

In person voting allows you complete the absentee application, copy your photo ID, and cast your ballot in about 10 minutes. 

Voting by U.S. mail is also available.  

*****PHOTO ID***** Most voters must include a copy of a valid Photo ID with the completed Absentee Application.