
Other Volunteers not pictured: Fire Depatments [ denton, healing springs, silver valley, south davidson, and Farmer]

Denton Police dept. and Davidson county sheriff dep., hwy patrol, and All the folks that man the rest stops and run the 10 sag wagons and motorcycle riders. Dan Sexton and Chad Gallimore blowing off the summit and farmpark and all the other workers behind the scene. {--: Thanks from TDK

TDK needs Volunteers and Your Help. See TDK meeting times below if you are interested in getting involved in the planning. Please consider the TourdeKale as a possible charity to support for years to come. Much of our funding comes from local businesses. Please ask your employer to Sponsor You in this event or to be a Sponsor for TDK. We are a tax-deductible organization and plan to hold this event annually. Our only goal is to promote fitness and help others who are less fortunate than us. Thanks for your consideration.

ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. For Cash Sponsorship [see sponsor level] and/or Products to: Canaan UMC / TDK Fund , Denton, NC. History of TDK

Mail to: TDK c/o Sheri Skeen - 726 Mountain Shore Drive , Denton, NC 27239

Info@TourdeKale.com <> Ph: 910-538-3261 http://TourdeKale.com or http://www.TourdeKale.org

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