TPC minutes for 2015 are attached below.

Please click on the item to read or the down arrow (download) to save the document on your computer.

The most recent minutes will be a draft version (containing a 'Draft' mark) and subject to confirmation and signing off at the following meeting. If you have difficulty opening that or any other attachment please contact me - david@nobbut.co.uk - and I will send you the required minutes.

Agenda Deadline:

Items for inclusion on the agenda should be submitted to the Clerk a week before the meeting, or by the last Thursday of the month.

Glossary of acronyms and abbreviations (to be updated with each successive minutes)

ACT: ACTion with Communities in Cumbria

BRB: British Railways Board

BT: British Telecom

CALC: Cumbria Association of Local Councils

CCC: Cumbria County Council

GDF: Geological Disposal Facility

HMRC: Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs

ICO: Information Commissioner's Office (data protection)

LAP: Local Area Partnership

LDNPA: Lake District National Park Authority (sometimes NPA)

NALC: Nationals Association of Local Councils

NHB (community funding): New Homes Bonus

NP: Neighbourhood Plan

NPA: National Park Authority (see LDNPA)

NT: National Trust

PC: Parish Council

PCC: Parochial Church Council (St Luke's)

PP: Parish Plan

SLCC: Society of Local Council Clerks

SLDC: South Lakeland District Council

TPC: Torver Parish Council

UU: United Utilities

WI: Women's Institute

Beginning in March 2014 a Police report accompanies each month's Parish Council minutes.

Please go to Police Reports 2015

Beginning in 2015 Meeting Agendas are included on the website.


No TPC meeting in February.

No TPC meeting in August.