
December 11, 2017 (Monday)

14:25 ~ 14:30 Announcement

14:30 ~ 15:30 Takuro Abe (Kyushu Univ.)

Solomon-Terao algebra of hyperplane arrangements

16:00 ~ 17:00 Eunjeong Lee (KAIST)

Flag Bott--Samelson Varieties and Generalized String Polytopes

December 12, 2017 (Tuesday)

10:00 ~ 10:45 Hiraku Abe (OCAMI)

Hessenberg varieties I

11:00 ~ 11:45 Tatsuya Horiguchi (Osaka Univ. & OCAMI)

Hessenberg varieties II

11:45 ~ 14:00 Lunch

14:00 ~ 15:00 Hideya Kuwata (Kindai Univ. Tech. College)

Toric manifolds over an n-cube with one vertex cut

15:30 ~ 16:30 Yoshinobu Kamishima (Josai Univ.)

On locally homogeneous aspherical K\"ahler manifolds, aspherical Sasaki Manifolds

18:00 ~ Dinner

December 13, 2017 (Wednesday)

10:00 ~11:00 Hajime Fujita (Japan Women 's Univ.)

On a metric on the moduli space of Delzant polytopes

11:30 ~12:30 Takahiko Yoshida (Meiji Univ.)

Adiabatic limits and geometric quantization of Lagrangian fibrations

12:30 ~ Lunch and Free Discussion

December 14, 2017 (Thursday)

10:30 ~ 11:30 Shintaro Kuroki (Okayama Univ. of Sci.)

Complexity one GKM manifolds with extended actions

11:30 ~ 13:00 Lunch

13:00 ~ 14:00 Masaharu Kaneda (Osaka City Univ.)

Williamson's construction of torsion in the intersection cohomology of Schubert varieties

14:30 ~ 15:30 Taekgyu Hwang (KAIST)

The Gromov width of generalized Bott manifolds

16:30 ~ 17:30 Takahiro Nagaoka (Kyoto Univ.)

The universal Poisson deformation space of hypertoric varieties

December 15, 2017 (Friday)

10:00 ~ 11:00 Haozhi Zeng (Fudan Univ.)

The orbifold fundamental group of torus orbifolds

11:30 ~ 12:30 Jongbaek Song (KAIST)

A rational CW structure on certain orbifolds

12:30 ~ Lunch and Free Discussion