Programming Competitions

I represented Georgia Institute of Technology as a contestant in the ACM ICPC World Finals in 2004 (Prague) and 2005 (Shanghai) after our team came second and first in the regional competitions respectively. I also instructed classes for the Georgia Tech programming team. I coached the Georgia Tech programming team in preparation for competitions, judged programming competitions and wrote problems for various programming competitions. I organized various events related to programming competitions. I have also been part of the Google Code Jam editorial team.


I believe programming competitions of the ACM ICPC variety and Topcoder are an excellent way to help become better problem solvers, master the art of programming, improve algorithmic knowledge and increase love for Computer Science while having fun in the process. For me, programming competitions have been and continue to be a fun and enriching experience.

Programming Competitions

I have participated in a lot of programming competitions in various capacities. Here are a few selected ones:

* Problem Editorial: Google Code Jam 2013 & 2014: Lead team of Googlers in writing editorials for Google Code Jam.

* Competitor: ACM ICPC World Finals: 2004, Prague, Czech Republic; 2005, Shanghai, China.

* Competitor: Topcoder Georgia Tech Programming Challenge 2006, First Place.

* Coach/Assistant Coach: ACM ICPC World Finals: 2006, San Antonio, USA; 2012, Warsaw, Poland; 2008, Banff, Canada.

* Creator and Organizer: Georgia Tech Spring Code Challenge, Spring 2010, 2012; High School Competition, Spring 2012; High School Competitive Programming Class, Spring 2012; High School Summer Camp for Problem Solving, Summer 2010.

* Judge: Mercer University Spring Programming Competition 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012.

* Problem Writer: The University of Chicago Invitational Programming Contest 2012; Mercer University Spring Programming Competition 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012; ACM SouthEast Regional Competition 2009; Mid­-Atlantic Regional Competition 2009.

* Collaborative Training: Combined practices for North American ICPC teams, Spring 2012. 10-12 universities across North America trained together during weekends (5 hour practices) for the 2012 ICPC World Finals.