Topi Miettinen


Department of Finance & Economics

Hanken School of Economics / Helsinki GSE

P.O. Box 479, Fi-00101 Helsinki


Selected publications:

Miettinen, T., Vanberg, C. (2024): 'Commitment and Conflict in Unanimity Bargaining', American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, forthcoming.

Miettinen, T., Kosfeld, M., Fehr, E., Weibull, J. (2020): 'Revealed Preferences in a Sequential Prisoner's Dilemma: A Horse-race between Six Utility Functions', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 173, pp. 1-25.

Miettinen, T., von Essen, E., Huysentruyt, M. (2020): 'Exploration in Teams and the Encouragement Effect: Theory and Experimental Evidence', Management Science.

Miettinen, T., Ropponen, O., Sääskilahti, P. (2020): 'Prospect Theory, Inequity Aversion, and the Escalation of Conflict at Negotiation Impasse', Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

Andersson, O., Miettinen, T., Johannesson, M., Hytönen, K., Stephan, U. (2017): 'Subliminal Influence on Generosity', Experimental Economics, vol 20, pp. 531-555.

Andersson, O., Huysentruyt, M., Miettinen, T. Stephan, U. (2017): 'Person-Organization Fit and Incentives - A Causal Test',   Management Science, vol. 63, pp. 73-96.

Ellingsen, Tore & Miettinen, Topi (2014), 'Tough Negotiations: Bilateral bargaining with durable commitments', Games and Economic Behavior, vol 87, pp. 353-366.

Miettinen, Topi (2013), 'Promises and Conventions - An Approach to Pre-play Agreements', Games and Economic Behavior, vol 80, pp. 68–84.

Miettinen, Topi (2012), 'Paying attention to payoffs in analogy-based learning', Economic Theory, vol 50, no. 1, pp. 193-222.

Miettinen, Topi & Suetens, Sigrid (2008), 'Communication and Guilt in a Prisoner's Dilemma', Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol 52, no. 6, pp. 945-960.

Ellingsen, Tore & Miettinen, Topi (2008), 'Commitment and Conflict in Bilateral Bargaining', American Economic Review, vol 98, no. 4, pp. 1629–1635.

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