publications_1_world system


recent contributions



(Aii22) Beira, E., “Tooling markets: Russia (1988 to 2006)”, Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP83 (2008), University of Minho, June 2008.


(Aii21) Beira, E., “Stainless steel international trade (1988 to 2006)”, Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP82 (2008), University of Minho, April 2008.

(Aii20) Beira, E., “Alloy steel international trade (1988 to 2006)”, Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP81 (2008), University of Minho, April 2008.

(Aii19) Beira, E., “Kalip systemleri sektoru: Turkiye verileri”, published by Kalip Dunyasi, March / April 2008, page 150-156 (in Turkish language).

(Aii18) Beira, E., “Tooling trade: Turkey, 1989 to 2006”, Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP80 (2008), University of Minho, April 2008

(Aii17) Beira, E., “Tooling industries: USA market”, Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP78 (2008), University of Minho, April 2008.

(Aii16) Beira, E., Exportações de moldes industriais (III): Portugal (2007) e a União Europeia, tendencias e dinamicas”, O Molde, nº 77, March 2008, pg.  (in Portuguese).

Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP79 (2008), University of Minho, March 2008.

(Industrial moulds exports (III): Portugal (2007) and European Union, trends and dynamics)

(Aii15) Menezes, J. and Beira, E., “Trends in international trade in tooling and engineering: the European perspective”, European Tool and Mould Making, March 2007, pg. 17-20

(Aii14) Beira, E., “Exportações de moldes industriais: Portugal (2006 e 2007) e a evolução dos preços (II)”, O Molde, nº 74, Junho 2007, pg. 14-18 (in portuguese). Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP76b (2007), University of Minho, June 2007.

(Industrial moulds exports (II): Portugal (2006 and 2007) and the evolution of prices)

(Aii13) Lunder, S., “Tehnicna odlicnost je nujen pogoj za konkurencnos. Intervju: Eduardo Beira”, IRC3000, February 2007, pg 11-15 (interview, in Slovenian language)

(Aii12) Beira, E., “Industrial moulds business and international trade: Slovenia and European Union”, keynote paper presented to Orodjasrstvo 2006 Conference, Postoroz (Slovenia), 11th October 2006. Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP69 (2006), University of Minho, October 2006.

(Aii11) Beira, E. and J. Menezes, “European tooling and mould making industry: global perspective and Italy role”, paper presented to Stampi & Co. Congress, Milano, 22th November 2006. Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP67 (2006), University of Minho, November 2008.

(Aii10) Beira, E., “India: moldes e ferramentas especiais”, O Molde, nº. 72, December 2006, pg. (in Portuguese). Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP59b (2006), University of Minho, December 2006.

(India: moulds and tools & dies)

(Aii09) Beira, E., “Comercio externo de moldes: Portugal, os ultimos dez anos”, paper published in the journal O Molde, nº. 71, September 2006, 35-40 (in portuguese). Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP63 (2006), University of Minho, September 2006.

(International trade of moulds: Portugal, last ten years)

(Aii08) Menezes, J. and E. Beira, “Tooling and engineering: the European perspective”, paper presented to the 5th International Colloquium “Tool and die making for the future”, WZL, University of Aachen, Germany, 26 September 2006. Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP62 (2006), University of Minho, September 2006.

(Aii07) Beira, E., “Como vai a indústria portuguesa de moldes? Uma análise exploratória dos inquéritos semestrais ISTMA Europa / Cefamol sobre as condições do negócio”, O Molde, nº 68, March 2006, pg. 14-18 (in Portuguese). Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP56 (2006), University of Minho, March 2006.

(What about the Portuguese mould making industry? An exploratory analysis of the business conditions surveys by ISTMA Europe / Cefamol)

Discussion of industry surveys about Portugal and European countries, mold makers and toolmakers companies.

(Aii06) Beira, E., “Precision industries: markets and trends”, paper presented to the 2005 Mori Seiki International Conference on Die and Mould Technology, Beijing, 17th October 2005 (opening keyspeaker, by invitation). Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP55 (2005), University of Minho, October 2005.

First effort to put China evolution and role into the framework of the world tooling industry.

(Aii05) Beira, E. and J. Menezes, “European and Slovenian mould making industries: business conditions trends”, presented in conference “Excellence in Toolmaking”, Potoroz (Slovenia), 11 a 13 Outubro de 2005. Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP54 (2005), University of Minho, September 2005

(Aii04) Menezes, J. e E. Beira, Confrontação e acção. Ainda uma nova agenda para a indústria portuguesa de moldes”, published by Jornal de Leiria, Julho 2005 (in Portuguese). Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP50 (2005), University of Minho, July 2005.

(Confrontation and action. Yet the new agenda for the Portuguese mould making industry)

(Aii03) Menezes, J. e E. Beira, “European tool, mould and die sector and the automotive industry”, presented to the 2005 Uddeholm Automotive Tooling Seminar, Sunne (Suécia), 9 to 11 February 2005. Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP49 (2005), University of Minho, February 2005.

(Aii02) J. Menezes e E. Beira, “European mould making: towards a new competitive positioning”, presented to the 4th International Colloquium “Tool and Die making for the future”, Aachen (Germany), 28 September 2004. Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP44 (2004), University of Minho, September 2004.

(Aii01) J. Menezes e E. Beira, Reflexões para uma nova agenda da indústria portuguesa de moldes, published by Jornal de Leiria, 16th July 2004 (in Portuguese). Also Working paper “Mercados e negócios”, WP43 (2004), University of Minho, July 2004.

(About the new agenda for the Portuguese mould making industry)

click here to go to the book webpage

(Ai1) Beira, E., “Índia 2006: que mercado para os moldes portugueses? Notas de uma missão”, ISBN 978-972-99291-4-4, Marinha Grande, Cefamol Associação Portuguesa da Industria de Moldes, Abril 2006  (157 pg.)

(Índia 2006: what market for the portuguese moulds? Notes from a mission.)

click here to go to the book webpage

(Ai2) Beira, E., “China 2005: industria de moldes”, ISBN 978-972-99291-5-1, Marinha Grande, Cefamol Associação Portuguesa da Industria de Moldes, Abril 2006  (180 pg.)

(China 2005: tooling industry)


(Aiii15) Beira, E., “South Africa / BRICS in the global tooling industry”, for presentation in the ISTMA International Seminar, Rosslyne, South Africa, 1 July 2008

Presents time series (1996 to 2005) data about South Africa tooling industries, integrated in the “global view”. Never presented, due to last minute cancellation of part of the event. Available only in slides.

(Aiii14) Beira, E., “Tooling industry: a global view, from Russia”, key presentation to the opening seminar, 2008 Rossmould, Moscow (Russia), 17th June 2008 (by invitation).

Presents time series (1988 to 2006) data about Russia tooling industry, estimated by reverse trade, integrated in the “global view”. A paper is available, to be published by a Russian magazine, after translation.

(Aiii13) Beira, E., “Tooling industry; a global view, from Turkey”, key presentation to the opening seminar, Mould Eurasia / Kalip Avrasya 2008, Istambul (Turkey), 19th April 2008 (keyspeaker, by invitation).

Presents revised, extended and updated data about Turkey tooling industries (first presented in Aiii7, integrated in the “global view” previously developped. The data relative to Turkey industry has been published in a paper (see …), translated to Turkish, by a leading Turkish magazine.

(Aiii12) Beira, E., IT, “Fifty years of IT based innovation in tooling industries”, Uddeholm Automotive Seminar / Tool and die workshop, Sunne (Sweden), 8th February 2008 (by invitation)

Presents a personal account of the transformations of tooling industries driven by the information and communications technologies during last half century, and its implications for the future. Available only in slides.

(Aiii11) Beira, E., “Tooling industries: a global view”, presented to 2008 NTMA Convention, St. Petesburgh (USA), 5 February 2008 (by invitation)

Presents an refined “global view” of tooling industries and its economic geography, as well as the tooling role in manufacturing ecosystems. Available only in slides.

(Aiii10) Beira, E., “Tooling industry: USA, Europe and World”, presented to “Tools, dies and moulds roundtable”, integrated in 2008 NTMA Convention, St. Petesburgh (USA), 2 February 2008 (by invitation)

Includes a more detailed analysis of USA tooling data series, integrated in the global view developed in the previous presentations. Available only in slides.

(Aiii09) Beira, E., “Tooling industry: World and Europe”, ISTMA / TAGMA International Seminar, Bangalhore (India), 30th October 2007

An integrated “global view” of tooling industry (world, EU) and challenges, based on the previous presentations. Available only in slides.

(Aiii08) Beira, E., “Tooling industry: Europe and the world market”, European Tooling Forum, Lisbon, 12th September 2007 (opening keyspeaker, by invitation)

A deeper and much more extensive analysis of tooling industry in the manufacturing business ecosystem, including an exploitation of tooling and tooling dependent manufacturing sectors in USA and Europe. Suggests tooling sectors as tiny keystone players in the global manufacturing ecosystems and its implications. Available only in slides.

(Aiii07) Beira, E., “Tooling Business: World and Turkey”, key presentation in the opening seminar, 2nd Bursa Fair, Bursa (Turkey), 24th May 2007 (keyspeaker, buy invitation).

Includes a detailed analysis of international trade in tooling (all kinds) by Turkey, and integrates the Turkey data in the global view of world and EU production and trade. An indirect estimate of production in Turkey is presented, and its inclusion in the “global view”. Available  only in slides.

(Aiii06) Beira, “World tooling business system”, presentation to the Uddeholm Automotive Tooling Seminar 2007, Sunne, 9 February 2007 (by invitation)

Extends the previous analysis of industrial molds to the all tooling industries, and for the first time presents a structured view of the simultaneous dynamics of industrial molds and tools&dies international trade, with data at the world, EU and BRICS level. Includes a more detailed presentation of network analysis of international trade of molds for injection of plastics in order to map the “small world” of that sector of tooling business An estimate of world market is also presented.. Available only in slides.

(Aiii05) Beira, E., “The global tooling industry: changes and trends”, presentation to ISTMA Europe seminar, Euromould 2006, Frankfurt, 1st December 2006 (by invitation)

Revised and extended analysis of industrial molds global view and trade data (Aiii4 and Aiii3), with a discussion of changes in the tooling industry and a more detailed presentation of values and prices of EU trade. Available only in slides.

(Aiii04) Beira, E.,“Tooling and industrial moulds: Europe and Asia, challenges and opportunities”, presentation to the International Conference “Mould Event 2006”, Marinha Grande (Portugal), 17th November 2006 (opening keyspeaker, by invitation)

This presentation extended the previous one (Aiii3) and included data for trade of industrial molds by Portugal. Available only in slides.

(Aiii03) Beira, E., “Tooling and industrial moulds: Europe and Asia”, presentation to the opening session of the Orodjarstvo 2006 Congress, in Postoroz (Slovenia), 11th October 206 (opening keyspeaker by invitation)

First simplified introduction of the “global view” for industrial molds, with time series of trade data of all kinds of tooling by UE, exploring industry surveys, and discussing China and India role in tooling business, including presentation of data, and pictures from recent visits do these countries. Later a paper was written (…) presenting and discussing Slovenia and EU trade data, including prices of intra and extra EU trade.

(Aiii02) Beira, E., “International trade in industrial moulds: a small world”, presentation to the ISTMA International Seminar, Figueira da Foz (Portugal), 13th June 2006 (by invitation).

What happened in international trade for industrial moulds during last 10 years (1995 to 2005)? Who are the important players? What are the trends?  A Comtrade based analysis is presented (trade value only), including analysis of the changes in the period. For USA, a more detailed analysis of trade by origin and destination during 2000 to 2005 is presented, based on US Census trade statistics.

This was the first systematic paper with analysis of time series of international trade data, presented to an international audience of tooling companies, and it raised a lot of interest, which pushed us to continue to explore this line of research and analysis. Available only in slides, not paper.


(Aiii01) Beira, E., “Precision industries: markets and trends”, paper presented to the 2005 Mori Seiki International Conference on Die and Mould Technology, Beijing, 17th October 2005 (opening keyspeaker, by invitation)

First effort to put China evolution and role into the framework of the world tooling industry. Slides included in paper (Aii6).