Re- Sizing Images for Projection (Photoshop)

Club projected images for competitions are required at the default size of the projector. In the case of my club the size is 1600pixels x 1200pixels (previously 1400 x 1050). This tutorial describes two methods of doing this in Photoshop CS5 (other version should also be able to be used). In addition both tutorials also shows how to add a frame to the image.

At the end of the tutorial there is a link for a set of two Actions which can automate the process.

Resizing For DPI Using Method One

Create a Blank Background Image

The first thing is to create a new image with the size 1600 pixels x 1200 pixels (use the sizes of the intended projector) (File/New) Ctrl+N Opt+N)

This will be used later as the background of the final image.

If you what different sizes enter values here e.g. Width 1400 pixels x 1050 pixels

Use the paint bucket tool and fill with your chosen colour (e.g. Black as here).

Add an Image

Now we will open the image that we want to project. Open the image. File / Open.

As can be seen from the image size dialogue this image is 4608 x 2184 pixels. It doesn't matter what the original image size is as this will be sized to fit, however it is advised to have an image of a higher resolution that the final size.

Now for the resize

Go to File / Automate /Fit Image

Set the sizes for the projector.

Here it is shown as 1600 x 1200 (w x h).

This could also be any sizes, for instance 1400 x 1050 (w x h)

As an option, set the size a little smaller than the projected image size, say 1395 x 1045. Now any added borders would be away from the background edge (in this case by 2.5 pixels) which may alleviate any borders disappearing when projected.

As an option, if the size is a little smaller, say 1595 x 1195, the border would be away from the background edge by 5 pixels which may alleviate borders disappearing when projected.

Adding a Border

You can now add a border.

If you don't want one, you can skip this step.

Now Select All

(Ctrl+A Cmd+A)

This selects the whole image.

With the whole image selected you can now add a border.

Go to Edit / Stroke.

Choose the colour and size of the border. One pixel is a good size. The colour can be what you choose. If you select the colour box you can pick a suitable colour from the image. Select "Inside". All the other settings can be as shown. Now select OK.

Add This Image To the Background Previously Created

All the image should still be selected. If not selected, select all again

(Ctrl+A Cmd+A)

Copy the image

(Ctrl+C Cmd+C)

Now go to the background image and paste.

(Ctrl+V Cmd+V)

Save the image as a JPG file. Use the naming convention specified for the competition.

This is typically IMAGE NAME by Your Name

(note the use of capital letters and the "by" that are used)

Use minimum a compression (12)

Click OK and you have a resized image with a border.

Using An action

I have created an action that does this and some more.

  • The action makes the image slightly smaller than the background. This is to help stop the border disapearing on some projectors.

  • It is full of comments and opertunities to change the default setings.

  • A doulble border can be created. I use this to have a border of the background seperating the outer border. Gives an offset appearance.

Downloading and Installing The action

The Photoshop Resizing action for both 1400x1080 and 1600x1200 can be downloaded from here.

Just download zipped file, open the contained action (NCPSResize.atn) and it will install it in Photoshop.

Running the Action

To run the action go to actions and look for the group

Using The action

When the action is running there will be a number of dialogues that are there for help or can be set. If all the defaults are used you will create a projectable image 1600 x 1200 pixels or 1400x1050pixels (depending on which action is chosen and it will have two borders.

These are the dialogue boxes that will be displayed

This message tell you about the action.

You can either ignore this dialogue(Click OK) or enter the to-be-saved filename and then OK. The image size is the original image size, so for the moment ignore it.

I usually do it at the end of conversion.

Don’t change anything else.

Just informing you that the next dialogue allows the change of background.

Change the Background Colour

Change the colour in the canvas extension colour if required. The default is black. If the final projection size is different from the default, this should be changed here. Click OK when ready.

Adding One or Two Borders

This tells you what will happen next.

The first dialogue changes the outer border. Change the colour by clicking the color box. Change the size to a number (1 is recommended)

This is the outer border. If only one border is required, change the color to the background colour. The next dialogue will change the second borders colour and size.

This is the inner colour. If you want two lines change this colour to the desired one. I normally leave as the background colour and 2 pixels. which gives a nice offset to the main on.

If a single line change the first one to BG and this to the selected colour.

Save The Image

Save the file in the required file name format as described earlier in the tutorial. and that’s it.

Resizing For DPI Using Method Two (Simpler)

I have added a simpler method in the actions linked above.

Basically this is how it works:
(Shortcuts shown below are for Windows / Mac)

Open an image

Select all the image (Ctrl+A (Win) / Cmd+A (Mac))

Copy the selection (Ctrl+C / Cmd+A)

Close the image without saving

Create a New Document (Ctrl+N / Cmd+A)

Paste the Image (Ctrl+V / Cmd+V)

Resize the Image to Fit (File/Automate/Fit Image) Set the Size Width = 1595 Weight = 1195 and OK

Select all the image (Ctrl+A / Cmd+A)

Add the border (Edit/Stroke)
Width = 1px, Colour = White, Location = Inside)

Resize the Canvas (Ctrl+Alt+C / Cmd+Opt+C)
(Set the Size Width = 1600 Weight = 1200 Position = Centre
) and OK

Now save and rename the image as a new JPEG (File/Save As (Ctrl+Shift+S / Cmd+Shift+S)
As the final image is relativ
ely small, I usually set minimum compression ( 10-12).

All done.

One Final Note

If you intend to send images as an attachment to an email, ensure it is attached at the ORIGINAL size.

Action Download

The Photoshop Resizing action pack can be downloaded here.

The action includes two versions. One is relating to the first part of this tutorial, the other (the "New" one) is a simpler and quicker version as described at the end.
