Dr. Tony TUNG
Director of Research at Meta "Facebook"
Reality Labs - Research, San Francisco Bay Area, USA
I am a Researcher specialized in computer vision for 3D modeling and reconstruction of dynamic scenes (shape, appearance, motion). I currently work at Meta "Facebook" in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our projects include the creation of the next generation of virtual humans for AR/VR applications. I received my Ph.D. degree from Telecom Paris, France, and I was an Assistant Professor at Kyoto University, Matsuyama Lab., Japan. My past positions also include: Lead Scientist/Group Manager at Rakuten, Tokyo, Japan (CV for e-commerce), R&D Engineer at Trimble, Paris area, France (3D laser scanner), and Software Engineer at Alcatel, Paris area, France (mobile services).
Publication List: HERE
Contact: tony2ng _at_ gmail.com
2024.03 CVPR 2024 paper accepted!
ANIM: Accurate Neural Implicit Model for Human Reconstruction from a single RGB-D Image [arXiv]
2024: Area Chair of CVPR24, 3DV24
2023.10 ICCV 2023 paper
NSF: Neural Surface Fields for Human Modeling from Monocular Depth HERE
2023.03 CVPR 2023 papers
2023: Area Chair of CVPR23, ICCV23
2022.10 ECCV 2022 papers
Best Paper Honorable Mention Award with PoseNDF: Modelling Human Pose Manifolds with Neural Distance Fields HERE
Free-Viewpoint RGB-D Human Performance Capture and Rendering HERE
2022.06 CVPR 2022 papers
BodyMap: Learning Full-Body Dense Correspondence Map HERE
2021.10 3DV 2021 paper on 3D reconstruction of humans in large capture space from sparse views!
2021.07 Two ICCV 2021 papers on accurate clothed human reconstruction using deep implicit functions: ARCH++ and NeuralGIF!
2021.06 Invited speaker at the 3rd "3D Scene Understanding" workshop, held at CVPR21 [link]
2021.02 CVPR 2021 paper on High-Resolution Editable Textures accepted
2021.01 Welcome to Tiantian Wang (Research Intern, PhD student from UC Merced, USA)!
2021: SPC for IJCAI21, Reviewer for CVPR21, ICCV21, 3DV21.., Demo and Exhibition Chair, Area Chair of 3DV 2021
2020.08 Invited Speaker at the First “3D Poses in the Wild” Challenge, held at ECCV 2020. Talk on "The Next-Gen Virtual Humans": [link]
(Feb) "ARCH: Animatable Reconstruction of Clothed Humans" paper accepted at CVPR 2020 (Acceptance rate: 1470/6656 = 22.08%) [arXiv][video][venturebeat]
Reviewer for CVPR20, ECCV20, 3DV20, BMVC20,..., Publicity Chair for 3DV20
(July-) Welcome to Dr. Yuanlu Xu (Research Scientist, from UCLA)!
(June-) Welcome to Dr. Nikolaos Sarafianos (Research Scientist, from Univ. of Houston)!
(June-) Welcome to Zerong Zheng (Research Intern, PhD student from Tsinghua Univ., China)!
(June) Attending CVPR19 in Long Beach, CA, USA —> we are recruiting!
(May-) Welcome to Zeng Huang (Research Intern, PhD student from USC, USA)!
(May-) Welcome to Junbang Liang (Research Intern, PhD student from UNC, USA)!
(May-) Welcome to Jing Li (Research Intern, PhD student from Univ. of Utah, USA)!
(May 1st) Check out our team effort on Virtual Human creation presented at the F8's keynote: [F8 2019: VR Full-Body Avatars]
Reviewer for CVPR19, ICCV19, BMVC19, SIGGRAPH19, 3DV19, WACV19, ICCV-3DRW19,...
(Dec) Attending Siggraph Asia 18 in Tokyo, Japan
(Sep-) Welcome to Jinlong Yang (Research Intern, PhD student from Morpheo group, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France)!
(Sep) Attending ECCV18 in Munich, Germany
(Aug) Attending Siggraph 2018 in Vancouver, Canada
(July-) Welcome to Dr. Tuur Stuyck (Postdoc Research Scientist, from Pixar)!
(July 6) “DeepWrinkles” paper accepted at ECCV 2018 as Oral presentation (2.4% acceptance rate out of 2439 submissions)! [paper][video]
(June-) Welcome to Yuanlu Xu (Research Intern, PhD student from UCLA)!
(June) Attending CVPR18 in South Lake City, Utah —> we are recruiting!
(May-) Welcome to Chao Li (Research Intern, PhD student from University of Texas at Dallas)!
(May-) Welcome to Nikolaos Sarafianos (Research Intern, PhD student from University of Houston)!
(May 7) Oculus Research has been renamed Facebook Reality Labs!
Appointed Publication Chair of IAPR MVA19 (Machine Vision and Application), main computer vision conference in Japan to be held in Tokyo in May 2019
Reviewer for CVPR18, ECCV18, BMVC18, 3DV18, ACCV18, ECCV-3DRW18
(Sep-) Welcome to Nadia Robertini (Research Intern, PhD student from Graphics, Vision & Video Group, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany)!
(Sep-) Welcome to Zorah Lähner (Research Intern, PhD student from Computer Vision Group, Technical University Munich, Germany)!
(Sep) Associate Editor of IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, special issue on Machine Vision and its Applications
(Aug) Attending SIGGRAPH17 in Los Angeles, CA
(Jul) Attending CVPR17 in Honolulu, Hawaii
(Jun-) Welcome to Vignesh Ganapathi-Subramanian (Research Intern, PhD student from Leo Guibas Lab, Stanford University)!
Reviewer for the French National Research Agency (ANR)
Reviewer for CVPR17, ICCV17, BMVC17, 3DV17
(Dec) Pano2CAD paper accepted at IEEE WACV 2017
(Sep) Pano2CAD paper on arXiv (Rakuten's project) [pub]
(Jul) AR Furniture Shopping (Rakuten's project) was presented at SIGGRAPH2016 [pub]
(Jun) Attending CVPR --> We are recruiting!
(Apr) I joined Facebook / Oculus Research as a Research Scientist in San Francisco, USA
7 patents filed with Rakuten
Reviewer for CVPR16, ECCV16, ACCV16, 3DV16, PG16, IJCV, CGF, IEEE SPL