



560-0043 大阪府豊中市待兼山町1-7


e-mail:    tono@econ.osaka-u.ac.jp

phone:     06-6850-6111(代表)

fax :      06-6850-5205(合同研究室)



2012年4月 - 現在               大阪大学 大学院経済学研究科 教授

2007年4月 -  2012年3月   大阪大学 大学院経済学研究科 准教授

2003年8月 - 2007年3月    大阪大学 大学院経済学研究科 助教授

2001年9月 - 2003年7月    筑波大学社会工学系 講師

1999年4月 - 2001年8月    大阪府立大学経済学部 講師

1998年4月 - 1999年3月    大阪府立大学経済学部 助手

1997年4月 - 1998年3月    日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1)




Visiting Researcher, Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Groningen, The Netherlands



1998年3月 大阪大学大学院経済学研究科博士後期課程修了,博士(経済学)

1997年3月 大阪大学大学院経済学研究科博士前期課程修了,修士(経済学)

1995年3月 横浜国立大学経済学部経済学科卒業,学士(経済学)






[e47] "Generational Distribution of Fiscal Burdens: A Positive Analysis," International Economic Review, 2024, Vol.65, 393-430 (co-author with Yuki Uchida).

[e46] "International Coordination of Debt Rules with Time-inconsistent Voters," Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2023, Vol. 25, 29-60 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e45] "Generational Conflict and Education Politics: Implications for Growth and Welfare," Journal of Macroeconomics, 2021, Vol.69, 103315 (co-author with Yuki Uchida). 

[e44] "Public Debt Rule Breaking by Time-inconsistent Voters," European Journal of Political Economy, 2021, Vol.69, 102010 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e43] "Political Economy of Taxation, Debt Ceilings, and Growth," European Journal of Political Economy, 2021, Vol. 68, 101966 (co-author with Yuki Uchida). Science Direct

[e42] "Inequality and Education Choice," International Tax and Public Finance, 2020, Vol. 27, 980-1018 (co-author with Yuki Uchida).

[e41] "Age Gap in Voter Turnout and Size of Government Debt," International Tax and Public Finance, 2020, Vol. 27, 435-460 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e40] "Fiscal Rules in a Monetary Economy: Implications for Growth and Welfare," Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2020, Vol.22, 191-219.

[e39]  "Growth, Unemployment, and Fiscal Policy: A Political Economy Analysis," Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2019, Vol. 23, 3099-3139.

[e38]  "Intergenerational Policies, Public Debt, and Economic Growth: A Politico-economic Analysis," Journal of Public Economics, 2018, Vol.166, 39-52 (co-author with Real Arai and Katsuyuki Naito).

[e37] "Human Capital, Public Debt, and Economic Growth: A Political Economy Analysis," Journal of Macroeconomics, 2018, Vol. 57, 1-14 (co-author with Yuki Uchida).

[e36] "Inequality and Public Debt: A Positive Analysis," Review of International Economics, 2017, Vol. 25, 1155-1173  (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e35] "Aging, Pensions, and Growth," FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis, 2017, Vol. 73, 163-189.

[e34] "Pensions, Education, and Growth: A Positive Analysis," Journal of Macroeconomics, 2016, Vol.48, 127-143 (co-author with Yuki Uchida).

[e33] “Inequality and the Politics of Redistribution,” International Tax and Public Finance, 2016, Vol. 23, 191-217.

[e32] “Marital Status and Derived Pension Rights: A Political Economy Model of Public Pensions with Borrowing Constraints,” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2016, Vol. 18, 99-124.

[e31] “Inequality, Mobility and Redistributive Taxation in a Finance-constrained Economy,” Applied Economics and Finance, 2015, Vol. 2, 137-142 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e30] “A Political Economy Model of Earnings Mobility and Redistribution Policy,” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2015, Vol. 17, 346-382 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e29] "Redistributive Politics and Government Debt in a Borrowing-constrained Economy" Bulletin of Economic Research, 2015, Vol. 67, 83-103 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e28]  “Public Education and Social Security: A Political Economy Approach,” Economics of Governance, 2015, Vol. 16, 1-25.

[e27] "Old-age Social Security vs. Forward Intergenerational Public Goods Provision," Japanese Economic Review, 2014, Vol. 65, 282-315 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e26] “ The Political Economy of Social Security in a Borrowing-constrained Economy,” Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2013, Vol. 15, 448-476 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e25] "Inequality, Mobility and Redistributive Politics," Journal of Economic Theory, 2013, Vol. 148, 353-375 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e24] “ Long-run Neutralized Effects of International Transfers on the Environment,” Keio Economic Studies, 2012, Vol.48, 1-20 (co-author with Yasuo Maeda).

[e23]  “Retirement and Social Security: The Roles of Self-fulfilling Expectations and Educational Investments,” Economics of Governance, 2011, Vol. 12, pp. 353-383 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e22] “Growth and Unemployment in an OLG Economy with Public Pensions,” Journal of Population Economics, 2010, Vol.23, pp. 737—767.

[e21] “The Political Economy of Environmental and Social Security Policies: the Role of Environmental Lobbying,” Economics of Governance, 2009, Vol.10, pp. 261-296.

[e20] “A Second Chance at Success: A Political Economy Perspective,” Journal of Economic Theory, 2009, Vol.144, pp. 1249-1277 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e19] “Environmental Tax Reform in an Overlapping-Generations Economy with Involuntary Unemployment,” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2008, Vol.9, No.4, pp. 213-238.

[e18] “Dynamic Political Economy of Redistribution Policy: the Role of Education Costs,” Economics Bulletin, 2008, Vol. 4, No.13, pp. 1-13 (co-author with Ryo Arawatari).

[e17] “Unemployment Dynamics in an OLG Economy with Public Pensions,” Economic Theory, 2007, Vol. 33, pp. 549-577.

[e16] “Growth and Welfare Effects of an Environmental Tax-based Public Pension Reform,” Japanese Economic Review, 2007, Vol.58, pp. 362-381.

[e15] “Environmental Tax Reform, Economic Growth, and Unemployment in an OLG Economy,” FinanzArchiv, 2007, Vol.63, pp. 133-161.

[e14] “Environmental-tax-financed Social Security Tax Cuts and the Double Dividend,” FinanzArchiv, 2005, Vol. 61, pp. 178-200.

[e13] “The Political Economy of Environmental Taxes with an Aging Population,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 2005, Vol. 30, pp. 165-194.

[e12] “Social Security Policy with Public Debt in an Aging Economy,” Journal of Population Economics, 2003, Vol. 16, pp. 363-387.

[e11] “Environmental Tax Policy and Long-run Economic Growth,” Japanese Economic Review, 2003, Vol. 54, pp. 203-217.

[e10] “Environmental Tax Policy in a Model of Growth Cycles,” Economic Theory, 2003, Vol. 22, pp. 141-168.

[e9] “On the Index of Environmental Awareness,” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2002, Vol. 5, pp. 167-178 (co-author with Yasuo Maeda).

[e8] “Is Habitual Consumption Harmful to the Environment?” Economics Bulletin, 2002, Vol. 17, No. 1 pp.1-10.

[e7] “Pareto-improving Environmental Policies in an Overlapping Generations Model,” Japanese Economic Review, 2002, Vol. 53, pp. 211-225 (co-author with Yasuo Maeda).

[e6] “Sustainable Development in an Aging Economy,” Environment and Development Economics, 2002, Vol. 7, pp. 9-22(co-author with Yasuo Maeda).

[e5] “The Effects of Emission Permits on Growth and the Environment”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 2002, Vol. 21, pp. 75-87.

[e4] “Is Aging Harmful to the Environment?” Environmental and Resource Economics, 2001, Vol. 20, pp. 113-127 (co-author with Yasuo Maeda).

[e3] “Environmental Health Risks under Incomplete Annuitisation,” Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis、2001, Vol. 12, pp. 94-102.

[e2] “Consumption Externalities and the Effects of International Income Transfers on the Global Environment,” Journal of Economics, 1998, Vol. 68, pp. 255-269.

[e1] “Optimal Tax Schemes and the Environmental Externality,” Economics Letters, 1996, Vol. 53, pp. 283-289.


[j2] ”環境リスクと貸し手責任:理論的分析金融研究,日本銀行金融研究所2008 vol.27No.2 (前多康男,共著).

[j1] “枯渇性資源・環境と持続的成長”,経済研究一橋大学経済研究所 2002 Vol. 53pp. 236―246 (浅子和美,川西諭,共著).



2024年4月 ー 2027年3月 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))

2021年4月 ー 2024年3月 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))

2018年4月 ー 2021年3月 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))

2015年4月 ー 2018年3月 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))

2012年12月 - 2013年11月 野村財団社会科学助成

2012年4月 - 2015年3月 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))

2008年4月 - 2012年3月 科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))

2007年9月 - 2008年3月 文部科学省,海外先進研究実践支援

2005年4月 - 2008年3月 科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))

2005年4月 - 2007年3月 旭硝子財団(奨励研究助成)

2005年4月 - 2007年3月 日本経済研究奨励財団

2005年4月 - 2007年3月  環境省 地球環境研究総合推進費,新規課題検討調査研究(FS)

2002年4月 - 2005年3月 科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))

2001年6月 - 2002年5月 簡易保険文化財団

2001年1月 - 2001年12月 全国銀行学術研究財団

1999年4月 - 2001年3月 旭硝子財団

1999年4月 - 2001年3月 科学研究費補助金(奨励研究A)


2009年5月   - 2013年3月  GCOE プログラム(大阪大学大学院経済学研究科他)

2004年10月 - 2008年3月 21世紀COEプログラム(大阪大学大学院経済学研究科他)

2000年10月 - 2005年3月 特定領域研究・世代間利害調整研究プロジェクト(一橋大学経済研究所)




   マクロ経済Ⅱ(2010-2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021)

   マクロ経済分析I(マクロ経済Ⅲ)(2013, 2015, 2018, 2023

   特論(政治経済学)(2014, 2017, 2023)


   公共政策(2012, 2013)

   マクロ経済(2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2023, 2024)


   マクロ経済学の考え方(経済学A,2010-2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022

   ミクロ経済学の考え方(経済学B, 2016)



Applied Economics, Bulletin of Economic Research, CESifo Economic Studies, Ecological Economics, Economic Inquiry,  Economic Modeling, Economic Theory, Economics Bulletin, Economics Letters, Economics of Education Review, Economics of Governance, Economics Research International, Environment and Development Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, European Journal of Political Economy, FinanzArchiv, International Economic Review, International Tax and Public Finance, International Journal of Economic Theory, Japanese Economic Review, Journal of Demographic Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift fuer Nationaloekonomie), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Resource and Energy Economics, Review of Development Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Springer, 経済科学,経済分析, 経済研究, 経済産業研究所


2010年2月: 2009年度大阪大学研究教育功績賞

