
Kirstin at the Labor Day 4+ mile run,

September 5, 2011

Melissa when she first started working out with Toned Up Fitness

Candy after working out with Toned Up Fitness!

"When I first started working with Wendy and Toned-Up Fitness, I was a couch potato who didn't exercise much except for the occasional walk around the neighborhood. One of the first things we discussed was a goal for myself and where I wanted my new exercise program to take me. I really wanted to get in good enough shape to run in a 5k race, so we set to work on an exercise plan that would help me reach my goal. With the program that Wendy gave me I was able to go from a couch potato to running successfully in my first 5k race in just one summer.

I believe that as a personal trainer Wendy has the ability to create a fun, challenging workout program that targets your specific needs and goals. Her workouts are not only fun and challenging, but you leave a session with Wendy feeling like you have accomplished something, and are that much closer to reaching your goal. Most importantly, Wendy instilled in me the ability to be self-motivating when I am working out or running independently, something that was missing from all my previous attempts to get into shape.

Thank you Wendy and Toned-Up Fitness!"

--Kirstin Olson


"I enjoy working out with Toned Up Fitness because it is a one on one atmosphere and I don't have to worry about being watched by others, such as a gym. I love the homework exercises, they allow me to do the workouts at home, on my own time and don't have to worry about the extra time that it takes to get to the gym and back. The one on one is great and helps keep me motivated and being accountable to someone else."

--Melissa Reichelt


"A little over a year ago I knew I needed to lose some weight and get in shape. About that time I found the coupon for Toned Up Fitness for 3 sessions at 1/2 off and signed up. I've been exercising consistently for a little over a year. This is the longest I've continued an exercise routine. Wendy has kept me motivated and encouraged my progress. I went on a Zip Line Tour in the Fall and had a great time! I wouldn't have had the courage to do that a year or two ago. I'm also able to walk up the hill by our house with out getting breathless like I did a couple of years ago."

--Candy Hawkinson

Kirstin finishing her 4+ mile Labor Day Race on September 5, 2011....just one year after completing her first 5K! :)

Melissa on a Zip Line ride after working out with Toned Up Fitness

Candy on her Zip Line Adventure!