Soil Biogeochemistry Group

Professor Tom Sizmur

I am a Professor of Environmental Chemistry at the University of Reading leading a group of researchers with interests that span the biogeochemistry of soils in agricultural, natural, and polluted environments, with a particular focus on:

  • Understanding mechanistically why some regenerative agriculture practices ‘work’

  • Developing new strategies for storing carbon in soils

  • The impact of environmental change on soil biogeochemical cycles

  • Food system thinking for human health and environmental sustainability

  • Exploiting ‘low hanging fruit’ opportunities for improving sustainable soil management

Our interests particularly relate to the benefits that can be obtained from the incorporation of crop residues and other organic amendments into soils to recycle nutrients and feed soil organisms. While there is widespread acceptance that increasing soil organic matter is a laudable aim and that organic amendments are a tractable means to achieve this aim, the objective of our research is to identify or develop strategies whereby the maximum possible benefits are obtained by the judicious application of situation appropriate amendments. Strategies under investigation include the application of biochar to tropical soils, intercropping cereals and legumes, and the use of cover crop green manure mixtures that provide benefits that are greater than the sum of the parts.

You can meet the team here browse the pages on the navigation pane to find out about our current and previous research projects, and check out our publications here.

We are always happy to hear from people who would like to find out a little more about our research.

Please email me: