
Dr Tomoo Kikuchi is Professor at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University. He is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University and a Salzburg Global Fellow. Previously, he was a faculty member at the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and Korea University and held visiting positions at the MIT Sloan School of Management and the Keio University Global Research Institute. He grew up in Germany and Japan and studied at universities in Japan, Germany and the UK. He has published papers on topics such as cross-country income convergence, international capital flows, bubbles, and production network in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Economic Theory, Theoretical Economics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. He is currently studying how global financial markets influence economic development of countries. He has edited many books and special issues on trade, finance, and investment in Asia and is on the editorial board of Journal of Asian Economics and Malaysian Journal of Economics.  He frequently writes for newspapers such as The Straits Times and Nikkei Asia. He obtained his PhD in economics from Bielefeld University in Germany.

早稲田大学大学院アジア太平洋研究科教授、RSIS兼任シニアフェロー, ザルツブルクグローパルフェロー。ドイツで幼少期を過ごす。日本、イギリス、ドイツの大学で学位取得。シンガポール国立大学経済学部助教授、リークワンユー公共政策大学院シニアリサーチフェロー、南洋理工大学RSIS客員シニアフェロー、高麗大学経済学部准教授・教授を経て現職。他にマサチューセッツ工科大学スローン経営大学院や慶應義塾大学グローバルリサーチインスティテュート客員研究員を歴任。専門は国際マクロ経済学。特にグローバル金融市場が各国の経済発展へ及ぼす影響を研究している。国家間所得格差、国際資本移動、資産バブル、生産ネットワークに関してJournal of Economic Theory, Theoretical Economics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking等の査読付き学術誌に論文掲載多数。アジアの貿易、金融、投資に関する本や学術誌を多数編集。Journal of Asian Economics、Malaysian Journal of Economics編集委員。The Straits TimesやNikkei Asiaに記事掲載多数。ビーレフェルト大学経済学博士(ドイツ)。