
Recent Working Papers 

This paper is a significant revision of an earlier manuscript circulated under the title “Necessity of Rational Asset Price Bubbles in Two-Sector Growth Economies (first version, November 2022)”

Publications (Google Scholar)

      The Review of Economic Studies, 84 (1): 406-443, 2017 (Online Link).  (First version July 2010 , presented at Econometric Society World Congress 2010)

Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol.76, S71-S89, 2015 (Online Link).

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 15(2): 333371, 2023 (Online Link).

Journal of Mathematical Economics 50th Anniversary Issue (Invited submission), Vol. 111, 2024 (Online Link)

 Forthcoming at Journal of Political Economy, (Online Link)

COVID-19-related Papers

Gregory Gutin, Tomohiro Hirano, Sung-Ha Hwang, Philip R. Neary, and Alexis Akira Toda (2021) "The Effect of Social Distancing on the Reach of an Epidemic in Social Networks," Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 16, 629–647.

Work  in Progress
