
Publications (peer-reviewed)

Covid-19 health risk, ability to work from home and establishment size, Applied Economic Letters, forthcoming

Fringe Benefits and Chinese Import Competition, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 86 (4),  p.1307-1337

The Impact of Obesity on Wages: the Role of Personal Interactions and Job Selection (with Andrea Moro and Sebastian Tello-Trillo), Labour, Vol. 33, Issue 2, p. 125-146, 2019.

Workplace Mistreatment and Bullying: Is Exposure Associated with Hospital Workers' Mental Health Care Expenditures? (with Erika Sabbath, Jessica Williams, Leslie I. Boden, Greg Wagner, Karen Hopcia, Dean Hashimoto and Glorian Sorensen), forthcoming at Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

A Note on Wage Regressions and Benefits, Economics Bulletin 36 (3), August 2016, p. 1580-1594. Click here for unpublished Appendix and here for the spreadsheet for the calculations. 

Offshoring and the Skill-Premium: Evidence From Individual Workers' Data, The World Economy, Vol. 39, Issue 10, October 2016, p. 1628–1652

Workers’ Risk Tolerance and Occupational Injuries (with Monica Galizzi), Risk Analysis, Vol. 35, Issue 10, October 2015, p. 1858–1875

An Economic Evaluation of Interventions to Prevent Material Handling Injuries in the Informal Labor Sector in India (with Supriya Lahiri and Somnath Gangopadhyay), Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, February 2016, Vol. 58, Issue 2, p. 207–214.

Culturally Tailored, Family-Centered, Behavioral Obesity Intervention for Latino-American Preschool-aged Children (2012) (with Shari L Barkin, Sabina B Gesell, Eli K Po’e and Juan Escarfuller) Pediatrics, Vol. 130, Number 3, September 2012.

Increasing Latino Parents’ Verbal Interactions with Their Preschool-Aged Children (2012) (with Sabina Gesell, Dan Wallace, Vanessa Hux, and Shari Barkin), ISRN Education, vol. 2012, Article ID 652406.

Systematic Exposure to Recreation Centers Increases Use by Latino Families with Young Children (2012) (with E.K. Po’e,  C. Neureiter, J. Escarfuller, S.B. Gesell, P. Widman, and S.L. Barkin) Childhood Obesity, Volume 8, Number 2.

Other Publications (non-peer reviewed)

Manual of the Peabody Treatment Progress Battery, 2nd ed. [Electronic version] (2010). Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, Bickman, L., Athay, M.M., Riemer, M., Lambert, E.W., Kelley, S.D., Breda, Tempesti, T., C., Dew-Reeves, S.E., Brannan, A.M., Vides de Andrade, A.R. (eds).