
Published Papers and Forthcoming

Teacher Value-Added and the Test Score Gender Gap (with A. García y S. Poblete). Forthcoming, Labour Economics. (working paper version)

Peer Effects in the Adoption of a Youth Employment Subsidy (with Claudio Mora-García). The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 105(3), pp. 614-625, May 2023. (working paper version)

Audit Threats and Year-End Spending by Government Agencies: Experimental Evidence from Chile  (with E. Engel, F. Jordán, and A. Repetto). Journal of Public Procurement, Vol. 23(1), pp. 100-124, February 2023. (working paper version)

The Effects of Equal Pay Laws on Firm Wage Premiums: Evidence from Chile (with Gabriel Cruz). Labour Economics. Vol. 75, April 2022. 

The Children of the Missed Pill (with Miguel Sarzosa and Sergio Urzúa). Featured in The Washington Post (10/11/2017) and Market Watch (10/10/2017). Journal of Health Economics. Vol. 79, September, 2021.

The Effects of a Maternity Leave Reform on Children’s Abilities and Maternal Outcomes in Chile, (with Pinjas Albagli). The Economic Journal, Vol. 129(619), pp. 1015-1047, April, 2019.

The Effects of Drinking and Driving Laws on Car Crashes, Injuries, and Deaths: Evidence from Chile, (with Sebastián Otero). Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 106, pp. 262-274, September 2017.

A Matching Estimator Based on a Bilevel Optimization Problem, (with Juan Díaz and Jorge Rivera). The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 97(4), pp. 803-812, October 2015.

Early Exposure to Hazardous Waste and Academic Achievement: Evidence from a Case of Environmental Negligence, (with Sergio Urzúa and Loreto Reyes).  Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 527-563, December 2015. 

Part-time Work, Job Satisfaction, and Well-being: Evidence from a Developing OECD Country, (with Rodrigo Montero). Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 51 No. 4, pp. 370-385, April 2015.

Improving the Measurement of the Relationship between Opportunities and Income: Evidence from Longitudinal Data from Chile, (with Dante Contreras, Osvaldo Larrañaga, and Esteban Puentes.  Development Policy Review, Vol. 32(2), pp. 219-237, March 2014.

Modeling Structural Equations with Endogenous Regressors and Heterogeneity Through Derivative Constraints. Quantitative Economics (Econometric Society), Vol. 4, pp. 125-148, March 2013.

Tournaments Incentives for Teachers: Evidence from a Scaled-up Intervention in Chile, (with Dante Contreras). Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 61, No. 1,  pp. 219-246, October 2012.

The Evolution of Opportunities for Children in Chile 1990-2006, (con Dante Contreras, Osvaldo Larrañaga y Esteban Puentes. Cepal Review, No. 106,  pp. 107-124, April 2012.

El Trabajo a Tiempo Parcial en Chile. Revista Economía Chilena, vol. 13(1), pp. 39-59. April 2010.

Work in progress

Beyond Means: A Distributional Analysis of Gender Pay Gaps (with Valentina Andrade).

Maternity Leave Reform and Female Labor Market Outcomes in Chile (with Sebastian Poblete). 

Earned Income Subsidies, Female Labor Supply, and The Role of Informational Frictions (with Antonia Aguilera and Jorge Rodriguez)

The Effects of Labor Reform on Collective Negotiations and Strikes in Chile (with Martin Dibarrart and Esteban Puentes).

The Short- and Longer-Term Effects of Vouchers: Evidence from Chile (with Cristián Sánchez and Sergio Urzúa).

Worker, Seller, Manager, Driver: Experimental Evidence on What Training Can Do for Small Entrepreneurs (with Claudio Bravo-Ortega and Claudia Martínez).

Loans for Higher Education: Does the dream come true? (with Eugenio Rojas and Sergio Urzúa). National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 19138. 

Book Chapters

Relative Income and Job Satisfaction in Chile (with Rodrigo Montero) in M. Rojas (ed). Handbook of Happiness Research in Latin America. Springer, pp. 205-217, 2016.

Pobreza y desigualdad en Chile: Un análisis con la Encuesta Casen in Gerhard Reinecke and María Elena Valenzuela (eds). Chile: El impacto del mercado laboral en el bienestar de las personas. Distribución del ingreso y calidad del empleo. Santiago, OIT, pp. 163-201, 2011.

Trade Openness and the Female Worker: The Case of Chile (With Contreras, D. and E. Puentes) in C. Piras (ed). Women at Work: Challenges for Latin America. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank. pp. 93-136, 2004.

Chile: Trade Liberalization, Employment and Inequality (With J. de Gregorio, Bravo D., Contreras, D. and S. Urzúa) in R. Vos, L. Taylor and R. Paes de Barros (eds). Economic Liberalization, Distribution and Poverty: Latin America in the 1990s. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. pp. 167-214, 2004.