BBC business radio programmes

Post date: Jan 13, 2011 10:59:23 AM

One of the nice things of driving my car to work and back home during the cold winter months is that I have some time to listen to the radio. Mostly, I listen to BBC world. They have two very interesting business radio programmes: World Business News and Business Daily, where you can learn some interesting stuff about how business works. You can easily download the podcasts or listen to the programs on-line.

This is how they present themself.

World Business News: Analysis of the day's big global business developments and how they affect consumers, investors and the environment. Every day, we ask the major questions. Are big corporations too powerful? Are prices too high? What gadgets are people buying? Hear company executives put on the spot. And you can catch up with the drama on Wall Street, with a daily report on the market's mood. Presenter Mike Johnson and the team steer you through the complexities of the world of money.

Business Daily: Examining the big issues facing the global economy, Business Daily demystifies the world of money. From giant industries like aviation and automotive to the smallest scale start-up, Business Daily asks the big questions about free trade, technology and investment. There is also analysis of management and marketing trends, and what business jargon really means - together with reports on business news from around the world via the BBC's global network of reporters.

Have fun listening!