PhD Thesis

Phd Thesis untitled "Differential geometry of vector bundles and Clifford algebras applied to multi-channels image processing" [tel]

prepared in the Lab. Mathematics, Image and Applications, University of La Rochelle, France, under the supervision of Pr. Michel Berthier.

Defended on December 7th 2009 at the University of La Rochelle. Composition of the jury:

  • Pr. Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano Cinvestav, Unidad Guadalajara (Mexico) Referee

  • Pr. Michel Berthier University of La Rochelle Advisor

  • Pr. Mohamed Daoudi Telecom Institute, University of Lille 1 Inspector

  • Dr. Christophe Saint-Jean University of La Rochelle Inspector

  • Pr. Nir Sochen University of Tel-Aviv (Israel) Referee

  • Pr. Pol Vanhaecke University of Poitiers President

Obtained with high honors: "Mention très honorable".