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I was born and raised by the sea, in Barcelona, where I studied Physics for my Bachelor degree and went on to earn a PhD in Physics (November 2000). So equipped and keen as I was to look for greener pastures, I moved to Oxford where I took up a postdoc position at the Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Institute, where I started my research in modelling tumour growth working with Helen Byrne (then at Nottingham, now at Oxford) and Philip Maini (Oxford), a subject that I still pursue.  After three years in Oxford (from January 2001 to December 2003), I moved to London as a postdoc at the Bioinformatics Unit, University College London, with Karen Page (now in the Mathematics Department). There I worked in modelling tumour dormancy and the dynamics of cell surface receptors. In December 2006, after a short stay in Madrid as a visiting fellow at the Dep. of Applied Mathematics, Complutense University of Madrid, I joined the programme Complexity and Networks, led by Henrik Jensen, at Imperial College London as a postdoc to work in evolutionary processes under epigenetic regulation. In December 2009, I joined the Mathematical Biology group in the Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics as a BCAM researcher and group leader.

Since November 2010, I work at the Centre de Recerca Matematica (Bellaterra, Barcelona) where I lead the Computational & Mathematical Biology group. In October 2015 I was appointed to an ICREA Research Professorship at CRM. For my web site at the CRM, follow this link. My ICREA web site can be found here.

I have been and Affiliated Professor (Profesor Vinculado) at the Department of Mathematics, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, since September 2013, and an External Associate Fellow of the Barcelona Collaboratorium for Modelling and Predicitive Biology since March 2024.

I serve as deputy director of the Centre de Recerca Matematica (since March 2016). I have also served as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Catalan Mathematical Society, and as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics-Maria de Maeztu.

My CV can be downloaded here.

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