Research carriers
Dec. 01, 2021- present : Staff scientist in N. Shannon unit at OIST
Feb. 20, 2017 - Nov. 30, 2021: Postdoctoral Scholar in N. Shannon unit at OIST
Oct. 01, 2013 - Feb. 15, 2017: Postdoctoral Fellow in H. Kawamura Group at Osaka University
Apr. 01, 2012 - Sep. 30, 2013: Postdoctoral Fellow in H. Ohta Group at Kobe University

Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2012: Graduate student in Doctor course
Takahashi Group, Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo
Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2009: Graduate student in Master course
Takahashi Group, Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo
Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2007: Undergraduate student
Department of Material Science, Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology 

Teaching experiences
集中講義 "低次元フラストレート磁性体の物理と数値計算技術"、 琉球大学、 2022年6月~7月
[Low-dimensional frustrated magnetism and related unbiased numerical methods,
Ryukyu Univ. June 03-July 22 2020, 90min × 8 classes]

・ Tutorial and hands-on lecture "Exact diagonalization for quantum spin systems" in APCTP-IACS-SNBNCBS Workshop on Computational Methods for Emergent Quantum Matter:From Theoretical Concepts to Experimental Realization, S.N. Bose National Center For Basic Sciences, Kolkata & Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India, Nov. 22 2022

・計算物理学、日本大学、 2023年4月~9月、90分  x 15 回
[Computational Physics in Nihon University, Apr to Sep 2023, 90 min x 15 classes]

・計算物理学、日本大学、 2024年4月~9月、90分  x 15 回
[Computational Physics in Nihon University, Apr to Sep 2024, 90 min x 15 classes]

Academic society memberships
The Physical Society of Japan
・The Society of Electron Spin Science and Technology
・American Physical Society

Exemption from Repayment for Graduate School Students with Particularly Outstanding Achievements for Category 1 loans
[3 years 2009-2012] in Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) (2012) 

・Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (2018)

Research grants
The Motizuki Fund of Yukawa Memorial Foundation (Financial support for ICM 2012)
・The Motizuki Fund of Yukawa Memorial Foundation (Financial support for ICM 2015)
・KAKENHI Incentive Program in OIST (2018 fiscal year)
・KAKENHI Incentive Program in OIST (2019 fiscal year)
・KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, No.19K14665 (2019-2021 fiscal years)
・KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No.21K03477 (2021-2023 fiscal years)
・KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), "Extreme Universe", No.22H05266 (2022-2023 fiscal years)
・KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), "Extreme Universe", No.24H00974 (2024-2025 fiscal years)

Other activities
日本物理学会 第73~74期代議員 (任期:2017年3月31日〜2019年3月31日)
・日本物理学会 第75~76期代議員 (任期:2019年3月31日~2021年3月31日)
    [The 73-76th terms representative in the Physical Society of Japan]

・日本物理学会 領域3 運営委員(任期:2019年4月1日〜2020年3月31日)
    [Member of the management committee of the division 3 (magnetism) in the Physical Society of Japan]

オンライン物性理論セミナーの運営 (任期:2020年4月〜)
    [An organizer of the online condensed matter theory (CMT) seminar since April 2020]

    [An organizer of the 17th quantum spin workshop]

計算物理春の学校2023  世話人 (2023年3月13日〜15日)
    [An organizer of the spring school for computational physics 2023]

計算物理春の学校2024  世話人(管理・監督) (2024年3月11日〜15日)
    [An organizer of the spring school for computational physics 2024]

・An organizer of the international workshop: Quantum Extreme Universe: Matter, Information, and Gravity  (2024年10月21〜25日)

    [Volunteer to care for community cats]