Published Opinion Pieces

Advice to Recent Graduates

1) Grads, understand the politics of the marketplace, The Toledo Blade, July 22, 2014

2) Advice to College Graduates: Consider the Economics of Success, Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 21, 2014

Alcohol Regulatory Environment

1) Unlock State's Liquor Laws, The Detroit News, December 1, 2011

2) Liquored Up: Michigan Government Should Exit Its Liquor Wholesale Business, Viewpoint on Public Issues, Mackinac Center, August, 24, 2011

Cigarette Taxes and Smuggling (incomplete list)

1) Jeremy Hunt Should Scrap Plain Cigarette Packaging, City A.M., August 25, 2014

2) Eureka! There's Gold in Smuggled Cigarettes, CalOpinion, July 28, 2013

3) Cigarette Smuggling Remains High in Michigan, Elsewhere, Viewpoint on Public Issues, Mackinac Center, February 4, 2013

4) 'Prohibition by Price' Drives Cigarette Smuggling in New York, Elsewhere, The Heartlander, January 9, 2013

5) Cigarette Taxes Smoke Out Unintended Consequences, Northwest Indiana Times, July 15, 2012

6) Cigarette Tax Hike Brings Smuggling, Other Unintended Consequences, Idaho Press-Tribune, March 5, 2012

7) Cigarette Taxes Fuel Rampant Smuggling, Viewpoint on Public Issues, Mackinac Center, February 7, 2011

8) Tobacco Tax Hike Could Backfire, Tacoma News Tribune, January 15, 2010

9) Cigarette Tax Hike Would Invite Unintended Consequences, San Jose Mercury News, August 11, 2009

10) Cigarette Tax Hikes Will Bring Smuggling, Other Crimes, Orlando Sentinel, March 4, 2009

Economic Freedom

1) Taxes Sap Prosperity, Freedom, The Columbus Dispatch, April 13, 2013

School Choice

1) Give Charter Schools a Chance, The Hill, October 25, 2012


1) Entire University Shares in Buckeyes’ Gridiron Success, The Columbus Dispatch, January 24, 2015