Papers & Talks


These links below are to journal pages which are not always open access. Final drafts (in what I think are more readable formats) can be found here. If you would like a copy of the published version, then any university library should be able to help you. But please remember not to use Sci-Hub or Lib-Gen. If you click on those links you should be able to find pretty much any journal article or academic book you could ever need. However, if you do this you could hurt the poor shareholders of Springer, Elsevier and Wiley who add so much to our ongoing pursuit of the truth.

"Beyond linguistic interpretation in theory comparison" in the Review of Symbolic Logic.

"Risk and theoretical equivalence in mathematical foundations" in Synthese.

"What set theory could not be about" in forthcoming Palgrave volume on philosophy of set theory.

"Forcing Revisited" in Mathematical Logic Quarterly.

"What is a Restrictive Theory" in the Review of Symbolic Logic.

"Relative Interpretation between Logics," in Erkenntnis.

"Did Descartes make a diagonal argument," in the Journal of Philosophical Logic.

"Two arguments against the generic multiverse," in the Review of Symbolic Logic.

"A philosophical reconstruction of Steel's multiverse, " with Penelope Maddy in the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.

"Set theoretic Pluralism" in Logic Around the World: on the occasion o the fifth annual conference of the Iranian Association for Logic.

Review of Burgess's "Rigor & Structure," in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy.

"Computation in non-classical foundations," with Zach Weber in Philosophers' Imprint.

"Sets and supersets," in Synthese.

"Infinitary tableau for semantic truth," in the Review of Symbolic Logic.

"Naive infinitism," in the Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic.

"Fixed points for consequence relations," in Logique et Analyse.

"What can a categoricity theorem tell us," in the Review of Symbolic Logic.

"Truth, supervaluation and dependence: living with the ghost," in the Journal of Philosophical Logic.

"Revising Carnap's semantic conception of modality," in Studia Logica.

Recent Talks

"An ordinary language response to a structuralist problem in philosophy of mathematics" at  the Formalization in Logic, Language and Mathematics Conference at UCI, May 2024.

"The Consistency Hierarchy Thesis" at the UC Irvine Logic Seminar, 2024.

"A modest argument for the generic multiverse" at the Joint Mathematics Meeeting in San Francisco, January 2024; and at the Formalization in Logic, Language and Mathematics Conference in Nancy, August 2023.

"Was Gödel Wrong?" at the Formalization in Logic, Language and Mathematics Conference at UCI, April 2023.

Author meets critics for Juliette Kennedy's Gödel, Tarksi and the Lure of Natural Language at the APA Pacific, April 2023.

"What Philosophy and Set Theory can do for each other," at the What Can Philosophy do for Set Theory Workshop in Barcelona, March 2023.

"To be might as well be to be the value of a bound variable" at the Formalization in Logic, Language and Mathematics Conference in Nancy, September 2022.

"When are Two Models of Computaion Equivalent" FFIUM Wokshop at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, September 2022.

"Equivalence between Strong Set Theories! at the Workshop on Internal Categoricity in Helsinki, May 2022; and Peking University, May 2022.

"What is a restrictive theory?" at the UNICAMP-Konstanz Philosophy of Set Theory Seminar, April 2021.

"The subtle art of interpretation," at the Pacific APA , April 2021.

"A problem of interpretation," at the UC Irvine Logic Seminar, 2021. 

"Risk and theoretical equivalence in the foundations of mathematics," at the Helsinki Logic Group, 2021.

"What set theory could not be about," at the Barcelona Set Theory Group , 2020. 

If you'd like a copy of the slides please email me.