TAG Sessions Repository
The Garapata's Repository
Gaming modules, downloadable pdfs and the like...
Game Mastering Seminar
Introduction to Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine
This was the talk where I attempt to instruct people on how to play Jenna Moran's revolutionary role-playing game. The slide show attempts to break the concepts down and explain things better. This was the talk I gave last July 2016 for the Gamers & GMs Philippines mini-convention.
View the slides below:
Game Mastering Seminar
Worse Things Than Death
This talk was one of two talks held last June 2016 for the G&G mini-Con. The topic revolved around why having your villain kill the player characters is no fun at all, and what alternatives exist in still keeping your villains deadly awesome without bringing the story to an abrupt halt. The second talk was the How to Host Horror talk which I gave last October 2015.
View the slides below:
Game Mastering Seminar
RPG 101: What Am I Getting Into? and Introduction to Gumshoe
This was the slide show I used in the May 2016 G&G mini convention to introduce new people to the concept of role-playing games, as well as an introduction to the Gumshoe game system by Robin Laws.
View the slides below:
Game Mastering Seminar
The Game Of Love
Discussions on how to add romance, love, and even sex to your games whether as a GM or as a player. If there's one major advice to walk away with from this talk is that every gaming table should be a safe place for people to enjoy their hobby.
View the slides below:
Game Mastering Seminar
How to Be a Better Player (At least according to tobie)
Sharing some tips and observations I've made through the over twenty years of gaming that I have lived. These tips can apply to any players or gms who might want to find ways to make their games run more awesome.
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Game Mastering SeminarGoing GMlessYou've probably heard of it but haven't gotten around to trying it, GMless games shouldn't seem unthinkable. tobie shares what to expect and what systems to try diving into games where everyone is a player and having fun!
View the slides below:
Game Mastering Seminar
How to Host Horror
Running a horror game is more than just throwing in monsters and spooky stuff to scare your players. tobie abad shares both film and theater techniques you can incorporate in giving your game the horror touch - as well as some general guidelines on what makes the genre a powerful and memorable one. Let fear be your wonder.
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Game Mastering Seminar
Sharing the Fun
Some personal tips and suggestions on how you can introduce the fun and love of gaming to your non-geeky or non-gamer friends/family/significant others. As well as some free or affordable games you can opt to try with them in case crunch is not what they're comfy with.
View the slides below:
Game Mastering Seminar
A Glimpse and a Taste : Indie Games You Might Want to Try (v1.0)
My slideshow on five Indie Games which I wanted to help introduce to others. This slide show covers the basics of Apocalypse World, Bliss Stage, Houses of the Blooded: Blood and Honor, Lacuna - Part I, the Birth of Mystery and the Girl from Blue City and Wield.
View the slides below:
Game Mastering Seminar
Not Pathetic NPCs
My slideshow on Not Pathetic Caricatures, which shared the ideas and techniques I use when I create NPCs to fill the worlds I allow my players to explore. Many of the tips can even be used to make Player Characters even more awesome!
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Bliss Stage Resources
Character Sheet and GM Mission Sheet
Made these two for my Bliss Stage game, drawing a lot of inspiration from Evangelion. Hope you find a way to use them too! EDIT: Revised it after Ben corrected me that blanks should give 0 Bliss.
Grab them here:
Bliss Stage Character Sheet
Bliss Stage GM Sheet
Game Mastering Seminar
Narrative Control: What it is and how to share it
My slideshow on Narrative Control, and reflecting on how to share it without destroying Player Agency.
View the slides below:
Game Mastering Seminar
The Beautiful Lie
Tips, ideas and techniques that you can try adding to your table top games and role-playing sessions to add a dose of mood and atmosphere to them.
View the slides below:
New World of Darkness
Chilling Images - Volume One
A compilation of horrifying imagery and disturbing vignettes that are certain to inspire or terrify you for your next World of Darkness game. Written by various forumites from the old www.white-wolf.com forums.
Grab it here:
Old World of Darkness
A Second To Try
A Changeling: The Dreaming mini-module to add to your Time of Judgment game session. Originally published in Ex Libris Nocturnis having won a small contest for the best Time of Judgment supplement.
Grab it here: