Fix blurry photo

Post date: Feb 25, 2020 2:35:55 PM

1. Determine the angle and distance of blur space:

- Select in I button, select Ruler

- Measure angle from outside of the object to it.

- Measure the blur space distance.

2. Duplicate the layer: Ctrl + J

3. Change the layer's name to Sharpen 1

4. Convert this layer to a smart object

5. Filter -> Sharpen -> Smart Sharpen

- Select Motion blur

- Angle: Angle in section 1

- Dimension: Radius: dimension in section 1

Shadow tab: Fade amount --> 100%, Tonal width: 50%, Radius: 1

6. Alt + Add vector mask to apply the black mask

- Brush all the boundaries of the object

7. Ctrl +J to duplicate the mask

- Ctrl + I to invert the color of the mask.

- Edit the filter:

+ Adjust Amount and Radius in Sharpen tab

+ Decrease the Fade amount to Zero

8. Select all sharpen layers and group it by Ctrl + G

9. Paint the group's mask to sharpen the photo

Thanks PiXimperfect