
I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Florida State University. I graduated in Spring 2016 with a Phd in mathematics from the University of Georgia. My advisor was Jason Cantarella. As a postdoc at The Ohio State University, I worked with Facundo Mémoli and the Topology, Geometry and Data Group at OSU. My research is in applications of geometry and topology to applied problems in geometrical and topological data analysis and mathematical signal processing; more specifically:

Metric Geometry and Topological Data Analysis: I use tools from optimal transport and algebraic topology to develop new methods for the analysis of data with complex structure. I'm interested in algorithmic advances, concrete applications and mathematical theory.

Statistical Shape Analysis via Riemannian Geometry:  Some of my work models shapes (e.g., closed plane curves) as points in an infinite-dimensional Riemannian manifolds. The Riemannian structure provides a rich set of tools for principled analysis of shape data.

Mathematical Signal Processing: I work in compressed sensing and frame theory. My current work in frame theory is based on applying tools from the field of symplectic geometry to study spaces of frames by exploiting their symmetries.

My research is partially supported by NSF Grant DMS--2107808.



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