How is Trash Talkers different from Toastmasters?

Toastmasters International is an organization consisting of over 11,500 clubs worldwide. Its mission: to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth. Trash Talkers is one of those Toastmasters clubs. CalRecycle employees formed Trash Talkers in October 1993. Charter members saw Toastmasters as a way to improve and practice their public speaking skills.

I give presentations all the time at conferences and other meetings. I don’t need to practice.

Accomplished speakers can still benefit from Toastmasters. Do you give the same speech all the time? Test out a new speaking style at Toastmasters. Do you want to practice using visual aids? Do you still tend to say "ah" and "um" during your speeches? Toastmasters is a great place to practice and get feedback.

I’m busy… I have a huge workload and lunch is the only chance I have to take a break. I don’t have time to attend meetings or write speeches.

One hour a week is not a lot of time to invest on improving your communication skills. Consider attending toastmasters meetings as taking a break, relaxing, and even having fun interacting with club members.

When and where are the meetings?

We meet every Wednesday during lunchtime (12:05–1:00). Meetings are held in Conference Room 1310 in the Cal/EPA building, unless otherwise noted in the weekly agenda. Contact an officer at (916) 341-6323 or (916) 324-3560 to receive this week's meeting information. Agendas are usually circulated via e-mail by the morning of the meeting.

How do I get a weekly agenda or monthly schedule?

If you want to be on the mailing list for regular notification on meeting details, call Elizabeth Castaneda at (916) 341-6323. There is no obligation to join.

Am I required to attend every week?

No, but we encourage you to attend as often as possible. A successful meeting is dependent on good member turnout. Speakers benefit by getting input from different people. The audience benefits from listening to different speaking techniques and styles. If possible, let us know ahead of time if you can’t make a meeting (vacation, conference, etc.) so we can schedule another member for any assigned roles.

When do I have to give my first speech?

New members spend the first few meetings getting comfortable with the meeting format. A monthly schedule will show when you are up for your first speech (approximately a month after you join)--but you can start sooner or later, depending on when you feel ready. Let us know!

What kind of speeches do I have to give?

Each speech has a specific communication objective to help you develop skills in a variety of areas, including organization, voice inflection, persuasiveness, and audience interaction. Speech topics are your choice. Past topics include water coloring, buying a motorcycle, capital punishment, mental illness, as well as plastics recycling and composting. Members can also practice their CalRecycle presentations at Toastmasters meetings.

Are the weekly meetings just a bunch of speeches?

Not at all. "Speaker" is just one of the roles assigned to different members during a meeting. A typical meeting has three equally important parts.

    • Prepared speeches: Two members present a speech lasting from five to ten minutes each, depending on the time limits and goals of that speech.

    • Table Topics: The impromptu portion where members are called on to "think on their feet" and speak for a minute or so.

    • Evaluations: Each prepared speech is evaluated by another member, who acknowledges the speaker’s strengths and offers suggestions for improvement. In addition, other members listen for grammatical errors and count pause fillers (ah, um, you know, er).

There seems to be so much going on during a meeting. How will I know what my role is or what to do?

Members take turns filling the various meeting roles from week to week. The Vice President of Education e-mails the monthly schedule at least a week before the new month begins. New members spend the first few meetings as an "Ah Counter" or "Ballot Counter" to get comfortable with the meeting format. Members will be happy to explain any of the roles for you.

How much will joining Toastmasters cost me?

Toastmasters dues are paid semiannually. Dues are prorated, depending on which month you join. For example, if you join for the full six-months, your membership fees and dues to Toastmasters International would be $54.55, including:

    • $20 New member fee (one time only)

    • $1.55 Sales tax for the new member kit materials portion of the new member fee

    • $27 Dues to Toastmasters International

    • $6 Local club (Trash Talkers) dues

After that, the normal semiannual dues are $33 every six months, paid just prior to October and April 1st of each year. That’s just $5.50 a month! If you work for CalRecycle, you can be reimbursed for your initial new membership fees (but not the initial dues). You may be reimbursed for subsequent semi-annual dues, if improved public speaking is included in your annual Individual Development Plan (IDP).

I’m thinking about joining, but I’d like to watch a regular meeting first. Do I have to be a member to go to a meeting?

No. Guests are always welcome to meetings. You can just sit and watch… or try giving an impromptu Table Topic if you’d like!