criticisms of 

the kindness war

I would like to buy the helicopter landing rights to that book - The Dadaist Collective

That horrible book impregnated my hamster, then ate it - The New York Post

Kindness War neither sends flowers, nor takes me out to dinner anymore.  - Taylor Swift

There was very little fish related in this book-disappointing-oh, I forgot- I'm dead  - Jacques Cousteau

That book is in hideously bad taste, incidentally, I'm dead too. - Elvis Presley

It seems vacuous, shallow and only concerned with appearances. - Kim Kardashian

Kindness War reflects the objectivist, phallocentric, imperialist, bankrupt western hegemony. - A sociology student

I did not have sex with that novel! - Donald Trump

Didn't I tell you not to scroll down here? That's it, I've had with you and your devil-may-care scrolling ways.  I'm moving out and taking the goldfish with me.