Creative Composition for Better Photography

Personal notes from photography classes given by Bryon Paul McCartney in Viewfinder Center - see class description.

  1. Three questions:
    • Why are you taking this picture? What is unique or interesting in it?
    • What do you want to show?
    • What is the center of interest?
  2. Orientation (horizontal/vertical) changes sens of space.
  3. Rule of thirds.
  4. Simplicity - keep your picture simple.
    • Do not try to show too much.
    • Make your subject the most prominent element on the picture.
  5. Some techniques:
    • Points, lines&angels, curves&shapes.
    • Our eyes naturally connect the dots and follow lines. Put the subject on the line, at the end of them.
    • Framing - isolate interesting object, show only the object (keep rest black).
    • Pattern/repetition - repeating details.
    • Symmetry - creates balance and static composition,
    • Point of view - move around he subject, find the best angle.