
To Neuter or Not to Neuter - That is the Question!

by Sandra Fikes

I recommend spaying and neutering your dog if you are not into conformation showing. Breeding

dogs is an art, or at least it should be. One should only breed after studying the breed thoroughly,

showing and having the best stock available and making sure you are familiar with the breed's

hereditary problems. There are plenty of fun things you can do with your neutered

obedience, agility and lure coursing. Your dog will not be proned to mammary, uterine, ovarian or

testicular cancers or injuries from fights with other unaltered dogs.

You won't have bloody spots all over the house and furniture when your female comes in season and

you won't have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy and can relax when she's out in the backyard

by herself. Your dog won't be lifting his leg on your favorite plants, furniture or your leg!

Your dog won't be as aggressive with other dogs and can focus all its attention on you - the love of

its life!

Best of all, you won't be adding to the overpopulation of animals. The fewer pups that come into the

world, the fewer will have to be destroyed! Many unplanned breedings result when unaltered dogs

are left to roam and mate with strays or a neighbor's dog and the poor puppies wind up in the pound

to be put to death. None of us want to be responsible for loss of life to these poor innocent


Unfortunately, some people have a bunch of common reasons why they shouldn't have their animal

neutered! Here are a few of the usual ones.....

We want another dog just like King/Queen. NOT! Just as your children are not like you

or you are not like your mom or dad, neither will the pups be. Besides, each and every dog

has his or her own unique personality as a result of breeding or environment and to expect a

puppy to be just like old King would be an unfair expectation of the puppy and an insult to the

memory to that cherished old dog! Each animal should be valued for it's own contribution and

enrichment to your life.

My dog will get fat and lazy. NOT! As we all get older, we become more sedatary- dogs,

too. Dogs get fat and lazy from the same thing we do......overeating and not enough exercise!

My dog's personality will change. YES! And for the better! Male dogs won't be as

aggressive, neither males nor females will be as proned to roam and they will be more willing

to devote themselves to you and what you are doing.

I always say that dogs roam for 3 reasons;

1) For sex....there are too many animals without homes in the world today to let that


2) for do feed your dog so no need for that and

3) for companionship.....Bring that puppy inside and make him/her part of your family. It satisfies the

pack instinct.

Also, DO something with your with him and teach him something or

play with him! Dogs are not mindless creatures! Many breeds were developed to work or for

a specific purpose....Just like us, they need a purpose in life!

We want our children to witness the birth. HOGWASH! The whelping process usually

takes place at night and sometimes for hours and hours and into the next day. Who's gonna let

some kid stay up all night? First time moms need their privacy, otherwise, she's going to be

confused as it is, in pain and all that intrusion could cause her undue stress. She could be

screaming or biting, she might reject the pups, try to kill and eat them......What kind of

message would that send to the kids?

The birthing process although a fact of life is not without danger. The children's favorite dog might lose her life, causing more grief than joy.

We will sell the pups and make money. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! By the time you pay

the stud fee, the vet's fee for pre-breeding requirements of OFA or PennHip and any other

tests to rule out hereditary problems, the vitamins and food for the bitch and pups, the

post-whelping vet fees for taking off dewclaws, whelping supplies, food, food and more food,

shots, worming, your hard labor of cleaning up after them ( For every one pound of food that

goes in their mouths, two pounds come out the other end!), talking to people on the

phone....many long distance...advertisements, gas for trips to the vet or having to lose work to

take them to the will barely cover expenses, that is, if you can find them good

homes by 8 weeks of age and there are no unforeseen mishaps!

And what if you can't find them a home? Are you prepared to keep them as long as necessary? What happens if the

mother dies or rejects the pups? Who will feed them every 2 hrs. and stimulate them to

eliminate? What if they all get Parvo or Corona at 4 weeks? Who is going to stay up with the

sick babies? These are some hard questions that should be asked - and answered - before

breeding your dog.

We are afraid of our pet having surgery. A common concern and always there is a slight

risk. Talk with your veterinarian. There are many new anesthetics now that are very safe. The

medical benefits far outweigh the risks.