Who are we?!

Region 3 is an affiliate of the Texas Junior College Student Government Association. Our region is composed of 13 student government associations from community colleges spread across East Texas. It is our mission "to promote benevolence, unity, and teamwork among two-year junior colleges, community colleges, and technical schools". To fulfill this mission, we organize regular regional meetings, develop our parliamentary procedure skills, perform unity projects, and annually participate in the TJCSGA state convention. 

Student Government Associations promote the intellectual growth of young adults by providing them with organized voice in our modern educational system. Each SGA acts as a liaison between the body and the college administration. These local chapters are involved in planning student activities, acting as members of college administrative committees, and representing the interests of the students, particularly during school disciplinary actions. 

Each local SGA chapter follows a constitution. These constitutions are drafted and amended by the students. The students elect a group of governing officers, known as an executive board (or E-Board). The individual chapters are united into college regions, spread across the state. There are 6 Texas community college regions. These regions have their own governing constitution and executive board. Finally, all the regions fall under the state organization, known as the TJCSGA. The state body is likewise governed by a constitution and an executive board. 

Region 3 is an affiliate of the TJCSGA. "The Texas Junior College Student Government Association is the only student maintained organization in the state that works to promote the cause of community college students at the local, regional, state and national level. We represent over 70 member colleges and 700,000 Community, Junior and Technical College students from across Texas."