I am an Assistant Professor (RTD-B) of econometrics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

I work primarily in microeconometrics, and my research focuses on identifying and estimating interactions' effects on economic outcomes. I am also interested in understanding the role of interactions in health behaviors. 

Here you can download my CV


Department of Economics and Finance (DEF)   

Institutional page 

Email: tiziano.arduini[....]uniroma2.it  / Twitter:@ardui1 

Working Papers

      Revised and Resubmitted to The Economic Journal

      Old WP versions: [NBER] [CEPR WP] Media coverage: [VOXEU column] [Research Within Reach]

Presented at Yale, UPenn, NYU, Chicago, Cornell, Queens, University of Toronto, University of Queensland, Melbourne Business School, Universit ́ e Laval, Australian National University, University of Western Australia, Catholic University of Uruguay, 2021 Workshop on Peer Effects, iHEA VERB Seminar, IAAE21, Workshop on Social Identity and Social Interactions in Economics in Quebec City, and the Australasian Economic Theory Workshop in Canberra.

      Reject and Resubmit at Journal of Econometrics

Presented at Cambridge, Groningen, Tor Vergata, SEA22, IAAE24

Research in Progress


     Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38(4), 826-838, September 2020  (with E. Patacchini and E. Rainone

[Supplementary][CEPR WP]

Advances in Econometrics (Editors Á. De Paula, E. Tamer, and M. Voia), volume 42,  July 2020  (with E. Patacchini and E. Rainone)

Journal of Health Economics, 65, 170-188, May 2019 (with D. Iorio and E. Patacchini)

Journal of Housing Economics, 34,  69-81, December 2016  (with E. Patacchini)

Review of International Economics, 20(3), 517-534, July 2012  (with G. De Arcangelis and C.L. Del Bello)

Old research

     The revised version is coming soon

 Idle with mistakes