
Current and Recent Courses

Current students should refer to their Google Classroom page for course information.

  • Spring 2022 Math 354T Topology (Tutorial)

  • Spring 2022 Math 219 – Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography

  • Spring 2022 Math 211 Calculus II

  • Spring 2021 Math 321 – Abstract Algebra II (Galois Theory)

  • Spring 2021 Math 221 – Vector Calculus

  • Spring 2021 Math 02B – Geometry 2

  • Fall 2020 Math 320 – Abstract Algebra I (Group Theory)

  • Fall 2020 Math 02A – Geometry & Geometry 1

  • Spring 2020 Math 221 – Vector Calculus

  • Spring 2020 Math 210 – Calculus I

  • Fall 2019 CMPT 252 – Discrete Mathematics

  • Fall 2019 Math 210 – Calculus I

  • Other Courses at Simon's Rock (Fall 2017 – Spring 2019): Academy Algebra II & Trigonometry, Elementary Functions, Calculus I & II, Vector Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Abstract Algebra I & II

  • At University of Nebraska (Fall 2014 – Spring 2017): Introduction to Modern Algebra, Introduction to Topology , Linear Algebra, Topics in Geometric Group Theory, Calculus III, Honors Calculus II, Group Theory, Differential Equations

  • At York College (Fall 2010–Spring 2014): Precalculus, Calculus I, Calculus II, Introduction to Probability and Statistics.

Fall 2019: I ran a tutorial course on Topics in Group Theory, culminating in a proof of the Markov–Post and Boone–Novikov Theorems (on undecidability of the word problem).

Fall 2018: I ran a tutorial course on Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra.

Summer 2017: Alex Zupan and I ran an informal reading group on 4-manifold topology.

Summer 2016: Alex Zupan and I ran an informal reading group on 3-manifold topology.

Other Teaching Interests

While an undergraduate at Vassar College I helped implement and statistically evaluate Supplemental Instruction programs in Calculus and introductory Chemistry courses. As a graduate student, I also helped implement a variation of the program at York College of CUNY for Precalculus courses.