
"The Transmission of Monetary Policy under the Microscope" with Martin Blomhoff Holm and Pascal Paul

Journal of Political Economy, 2021, Vol. 129, No. 10, pp. 2861 - 2904. [SF Fed Working Paper] [Codes & Monetary Policy Shock Series] [Column on]

"Beauty Contests and the Term Structure" with Martin Ellison 

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 2234 - 2282. [CEPR Discussion Paper] [Column on

"Long-Term Government Debt and Household Portfolio Composition"

Quantitative Economics, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1109 - 1151. [Online Appendix]

 "Large-scale bond purchases in a currency union with segmentation in the market for government debt"

Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2018, Vol. 95, pp. 37 - 69. [Online Appendix]

"Unconventional government debt purchases as a supplement to conventional monetary policy" with Martin Ellison

Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2014, Vol. 43,  pp. 199 - 217.

Work in Progress

"The Macroeconomic Effects of Excess Savings" with Bence Bardoczy and Jae Sim

"Spillovers of LSAPs through U.S. Treasuries on Foreign Balance Sheets" with Marco Graziano and Marius Koechlin

"Asset Pricing with Heterogeneous Agents" with Martin Ellison


"Monetary Policy and Wealth Effects: The Role of Risk and Heterogeneity" by N. Caramp and D. H. Silva, SNB-FRB-BIS Third High-Level Conference on Global Risk, Uncertainty and Volatility, November 2023

"Is a money-financed fiscal stimulus desirable?" by C. Punzo and L. Rossi, Banque de France, March 2021

"Monetary policy options in a 'low for long' era" by R. Harrison, M. Seneca and M. Waldron, SUERF/Banca d'Italia Workshop, November 2020

"(Un)expected Monetary Policy Shocks and Term Premia" by M. Kliem and A. Meyer-Gohde, CEPR-MMCN Conference at Goethe University Frankfurt, June 2019

"Optimal quantitative easing" by R. Harrison, Oxford-Indiana Macro Policy Conference, July 2018

"Noise-Ridden Lending Cycles" by E. Afanasyeva and J. Güntner, T2M Conference at Paris-Dauphine, March 2018