Ting  Lan

Welcome to my website!

I am an Economist at the International Monetary Fund. I obtained my PhD in Economics from the University of Michigan.

My research interest lies at the intersection of macroeconomics and international trade. I work on topics related to trade and growth, innovation and productivity,  monetary policy and inequality.

Email: tlan@imf.org 

Working Papers

Journal Publications

Forthcoming, Journal of International Economics \ IMF Working Paper, No. 2024/051 

Forthcoming, Applied Economics Letters \ IMF Working Paper, No. 2023/030 

     Journal of Monetary Economics,  110 (April 2020), 19-32 | VoxEu.org Column

IMF Working Papers

IMF Working Paper, No. 2023/245 

IMF Working Paper, No. 2022/144

Policy Contributions

Work in Progress

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are mine alone and should not be attributed to the IMF, its Executive Board, or Management.