
Research Interest:

Applied Micro; Copyright; African Slave Trade


  1. Kim, J.H., T.C. Leung, L. Wagman (2017): "Can Restricting Property Use Be Value Enhancing? Evidence from Short-Term Rental Regulations," Journal of Law & Economics, accepted. working paper version here.

  2. Chao, H., C.Y. Ho, T.C. Leung, and Travis Ng (2017): "To Root or Not to Root? The Economics of Jailbreak," Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(3), pp. 481-497. Working paper version here.

    1. Dalton J.T. and T.C. Leung (2017): "Strategic Decision-Making in Hollywood Release Gaps," Journal of International Economics, 105, pp. 10-21. Working paper version here. (previous title: "Property and Neighborhood Externalities: Evidence from Short-Term Rental Reguations")

  3. Leung, C.K.Y., T.C. Leung, and K.P. Tsang (2015): "Tax-driven Bunching of Housing Market Transactions: The Case of Hong Kong," International Real Estate Review, 18(4), pp. 473-501.

  4. Dalton J.T. and T.C. Leung (2015): "Dispersion and Distortions in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade," Journal of International Economics, 96(2), pp. 412-425. Working paper version here.

    1. Leung, T.C. (2015): "Music Piracy: Bad for Record Sales but Good for the iPod?," Information Economics and Policy, 31, pp. 1-12 (lead article). (previous title: "Should the Music Industry Sue its Own Customers? Impacts of Music Piracy and Policy Suggestions") Working paper version here.

  1. Dalton J.T. and T.C. Leung (2014): "Why is Polygyny More Prevalent in Western Africa? An African Slave Trade Perspective," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 62(4), pp.599-632 (lead article). Working paper version here.

  1. Leung, T.C. and K.P. Tsang (2013): "Anchoring and Loss Aversion in the Housing Market: Implications on Price Dynamics,"China Economic Review, 24, pp.42-54. Working paper version here.

  2. Leung, T.C. and K.P. Tsang (2013): "Can Anchoring and Loss Aversion Explain the Predictability of Housing Prices?" Pacific Economic Review, 18(1), pp.41-59. Working paper version here.

  3. Leung, T.C. and K.P. Tsang (2012): "Love Thy Neighbor: Income Distribution and Housing Preferences," Journal of Housing Economics, 21(4), pp.322-335. Working paper version here.

Working Papers:

  1. Movie Industry Demand and Theater Accessibility (Sept 2017, with Shi Qi and Jia Yuan)

  2. What Can Regulators Deregulate? The Case of Electricity (Sept 2017, with Kwok Ping Tsang and Kevin K. Tsui)

  3. Quantifying the Impacts of Digital Rights Management and E-Book Pricing on the E-Book Reader Market (Mar 2017, with Jin-Hyuk Kim)

  4. Being Bad by Being Good: Owner and Captain Value-Added in the Slave Trade (Aug 2016, with John T. Dalton)