
Peer-Reviewed Articles

The Managerial Factors Influencing the Retention of Firms’ IT Capability with Some Global Implications (with Kim, J. H., Park, K., & Xu, L.) Journal of Global Economy, Trade and International Business, 3(2), 2023

Risk Perception in Housing Markets: Evidence from a Fighter Jet Crash (with Walter D'Lima and Luis Lopez) Real Estate Economics, 51(4), 2023

How Much Does Municipal Government Structure Effect Innovation and Knowledge Diffusion? Evidence from U.S. Metro Areas (with Gary Wagner) Economics of Governance, 24, 2023

Government Contracting, Labor Intensity, and the Local Effects of Fiscal Consolidation: Evidence from the Budget Control Act of 2011 (with Gary Wagner and Kyle Butts) Journal of Urban Economics 132, 2022 [twitter thread] [replication files] [REDI Report for Colorado]

Does Starting School Before Labor Day Affect High School Retention and Graduation: Evidence from Virginia's Kings Dominion Law (with Jay Walker)  Applied Economics Letters 29(6), 2022 [press coverage: Salisbury Daily Times

Local Fiscal Adjustments from Depopulation: Evidence from the Post-Cold War Defense Contraction (with Gary Wagner) National Tax Journal, 73(1), 2021 [Ungated penultimate version]

The Impact of Mobile ICT on National Productivity in Developed and Developing Countries (with Jin Ho Kim* and Jong C Park)  Information and Management, 58(3), 2021 

The Distributional Effects of Job Loss From Fiscal Consolidation: Evidence from The Budget Control Act of 2011 (with Gary Wagner) Economics Letters, 196(11), 2020

State-Level Austerity, Education and the Urban Labor Market: Evidence from fiscal policy experiments in Kansas and Wisconsin Growth and Change, 51(2), 2020, pp. 556-583. 

Waiting After the Storm: The effect of Flooding on Time on the Housing Market in Coastal Virginia (with Chip Filer) Applied Economics Letters, 27(4), 2020, pp. 298-301.  DOI:10.1080/13504851.2019.1616047

Crime and Natural Resource Booms: Evidence from fracking natural gas, The Annals of Regional Science, 61, July 2018, pp. 113-137. [press coverage: Pacific Standard]

Fracking and Public Health: Evidence from Gonorrhea incidence in the Marcellus Shale Region, (with Attila Cseh),  Journal of Public Health Policy, 38(4), November 2017, pp. 464-481.

Is the Light Rail "Tide" Lifting Property Values: Evidence from Hampton Roads, VA, (with Julia Martin* and Gary Wagner), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 65, July 2017, pp. 25-37. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Working paper no. 16-26. [press coverage: Next City]

Capitalizing on Neighborhood EnterpriseZones: Who pays for the NEZ homestead exemption? (with Tim Hodge) Regional Science and Urban Economics, 61, November 2016, pp. 18-25. [press coverage: Chicago Policy Review]

Individual Discount Rates and County-Level Unemployment Change, (with Scott Loveridge) Applied Economics Letters, 23(18), 2016, pp. 1301-1304.

Labor Market Dynamics and the Unconventional Natural Gas Boom: Evidence from the Marcellus region, Resource and Energy Economics, 45, August 2016, pp. 1-17. [press coverage: Bloomberg, 2019 Council of Economic Adviser's Economic Report of the President

Firm Sizes and Economic Development: Estimating long-term effects on U.S. county growth, 1990-2000, (with Scott Loveridge) Journal of Regional Science, 55(2), March 2015, pp. 262-279.

Income and Employment Effects of Shale Gas Extraction Windfalls: Evidence from the Marcellus region, (with Dusan Paredes and Scott Loveridge) Energy Economics, 47, January 2015, pp. 112-120.

Is Religion and Environmentalism a Complement or Substitute? A human capital approach, (with Feler Bose) Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion, 2015, 11(1)

An Empirical Assessment of the Optimal Size Distribution of Firms in US Counties and Regions, (with Scott Loveridge) Economic Development Quarterly, 28(1), February 2014, pp. 28-41.

Influence of Energy Alternatives and Carbon Emissions on an Institution’s ‘Green’ Reputation, (with Frank Lupi, Michael Kaplowitz, and Lauri Thorp) Journal of Environmental Management, 128, October 2013, pp. 335-344. 

Assessing Regional Attitudes about Entrepreneurship, (with Scott Loveridge, Steve Miller and Thasanee Satimanon) Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 42(3), 2012, pp. 210-222. 

Valuing energy policy attributes for environmental management: Choice experiment evidence from a research institution, (with Frank Lupi and Michael Kaplowitz) Energy Policy, 39(9), September 2011, pp. 5105–5115.

* Student co-author

Work in progress    

The Impact of Short-Term Rental Activity on House Prices: Evidence from Coastal Virginia (with Navid Safari and Lei Zhang) Revisions Requested

A Double Negative: Capitalizing on Residential Real Estate Assessment Regressivity (with Tim Hodge) Resubmitted to Public Finance Review

How Much is Fiscal Consolidation Offset by Increases in Social Safety Net Spending?: Evidence from the 2011 Budget Control Act (with Vinicius Cicero and Kendall Stephenson) Under Review

Rent Control and the Supply of Affordable Housing  (with Christina Stacy , Timothy R. Hodge, Christopher Davis , Alena Stern , Owen Noble , Jorge Morales-Burnett, and Amy Rogin) Under Review

Unanticipated Shock: Property Tax Adjustments, Tax Delinquency, and the Role of Conventional Mortgages (with Tim Hodge and Andrew McAllister)

The Accumulation of IT Capability and its Long-Term Effect on Financial Performance (with Jinho Kim, Kayoung Park, Li Xu, and Chen Chen)

The Managerial Factors Influencing the Retention of Firms' IT Capability, with some Global Implications (with Jinho Kim)

Editor Reviewed Publications and Professional Reports

The Rent is Too Damn High: Housing in Hampton Roads, 2022 State of the Region Report

Earn While You Learn: The Apprentice School at Newport News Shipbuilding, 2021 State of the Region Report

Inclusionary Zoning: How Different IZ Policies Affect Tenant, Landlord, and Developer Behaviors, 2021 Urban Institute

Feeding Virginia, 2020 State of the Commonwealth Report

Food Insecurity in Hampton Roads, 2020 State of the Region Report

Federal Spending in the Commonwealth: A Primer, 2019 State of the Commonwealth Report

Can Defense Save Us? Drawdowns in Defense Spending in Hampton Roads, 2019 State of the Region Report

Much Ado About Nothing? Virginia's "Kings Dominion Law", 2018 State of the Commonwealth Report

Craft Brewing in Hampton Roads, 2018 State of the Region Report

Traffic Congestion Hampton Roads: Myths and Realities, 2016 State of the Region Report

Port of Virginia: A Primer, 2015 State of the Region Report

The Booming Socioeconomic Impacts of Shale: A review of the findings and empirical methods (with David Flemming, Thomas Measham and Mark Partridge)

Residents Support Entrepreneurship but Policy Lags, 2012 (with Scott Loveridge and Steve Miller) Choices 27(2). 

Reviving Michigan's Economic Future: Assessing Michigan's entrepreneurial attitudes,  May, 2012  (with Loveridge, Scott, Steven R. Miller, and Thasanee Satimanon).  Policy Directions. Edited by Charles Ballard. Michigan State University Institute for Public Policy and Social Research. 

Creating Entrepreneurial Communities project, Community Economic Assessment profile,. 2011. Land Policy Institute, Michigan State University 

MSU Stakeholder Community Preferences for Carbon Management Strategy Characteristics. (with Michael Kaplowitz, Lauri Thorp and Frank Lupi) Michigan State University Briefing Paper No. 09-03

Michigan Attitudes Toward Renewable Energy Legislation, 2008 (with Stephen B. Harsh and Lynn L. Hamilton) Report Prepared for the Institute of for Public Policy and Social Research, Michigan State University.