How to use

TimeRegister enables you to keep track of your workday by a quick an easy interface. The time you record is created as events and are saved with the category you choose. All paid events are added together and displayed for day, week and month. You can always go back and check an earlier day, week or month and your events may be emailed as a report for a chosen week.

The application is based on an hour being divided in 6 minutes time intervals, hence the clocked time is displayed as decimal numbers. The application uses the users current calendar, and is fixed to Monday being the start of the week. By using the ISO 8601 week date system, week numbers are displayed in Week and Month views.

All paid events are added and the total works hours are displayed. Unpaid events are not added to your work hours.

The four items on the tab bar gives access to all you need for registering your work hours and breaks.


This is where you start and stop the timer. When the timer is running you may insert an unpaid event by pressing Pause. When paused, you may choose to stop, by pressing Stop, or continue with a paid event by pressing Continue.

You may always stop an event by pressing Stop


You will see all the events for a day when you choose it. Each event may be edited and you may add a new event by pressing + on the toolbar.

Edit event

When you edit an event, you may change the Start and Stop time for the event to any time of the day. You may also choose what category the event is to be filed under. If you need to remember something related to the event, you may enter this in the Notes field.

You may delete the event by pressing Delete event. Note that you can not undo a deleted event.


This shows you the events for the current week, and you may select the previous or next week by pressing Prev or Next on the navigation bar. You may add an event for a day this week by using Add new. You then first need to pick the day and then the Start and Stop. (Be aware that you need to move the picker wheel for TimeRegister to allow you to save the new event.)


This shows you the events for the current month, and you may select the previous or next month by pressing Prev or Next on the navigation bar. You may drill down in one of the displayed weeks to view details about a week. When viewing a week you may chose to send a report for the current week by selecting the action on the right side of the navigation bar. You will be able to preview the report before sending, and the email address used is set in your preferences.


This enables you to enter your email address to be used for sending a week report.

If you choose lunch break to be unpaid, TimeRegister automatically insert a lunch break when an event is created. You may also set the start and stop time for your work day and lunch.

You may define your own intervals for use during manual creation of events.

TimeRegister will ask you to insert a lunch break when you manually add an event if the lunch break is within the start and end of the event.

You may edit the name of the default paid and unpaid category and add your own.