
Finished output video

A timelapse video of clouds zipping past at Glen Affric early in the morning: technical details are available from my portfolio site: http://www.shinyphoto.co.uk/video/glen-affric-morning

Sample input JSON config file


"filelist": [

{"name": "in/white.png", "time": 0, "blur": 2},

{"name": "in/flower-testcard.png", "time": 0.75, "blur": 5},

{"name": "in/flower-testcard.png", "time": 2, "ac": 0.0},

{"name": "in/flower-testcard.png", "time": 3, "ac": 1.5}


"inpattern": "in/*jpg",

"outdir": "out/",

"outformat": "png",

"noframes": 100,

"blur": [

[1.5, 0],

[2, 0],

[3, 0]


"gamma": [

[ 0, [ 1.2, 1.2, 1.2 ] ],

[ 0.75, [ 1, 1, 1] ],

[ 2.5, [1, 1, 1] ],

[ 3, [ 1, 1.1, 1 ] ]


"ac": [

[3, 1.0]

